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· 2 min read

AIR SDK has been released by Harman.


  • AIR-6564: AIR Media - basic iOS sound output implementation
  • github-1453: Adding certificateError event for secure HTTP/socket connections

Bug Fixes

  • AIR-4357: Removing deferred framebuffer clears for Android runtime in background thread
  • github-1824: Ensuring AIR apps can run from the root folder of a Windows drive
  • github-1856: Fixing URL session closure on macOS for cancelled connections
  • github-1871: Further updates to support File.openWithDefaultApplication on Android
  • github-2409: Fixing tvOS stub generation and reverting symbol removals
  • github-2535: Don't Activate on _NET_WM_STATE event if the window is being hidden
  • github-2603: Ensuring Android file chooser ignores non-mime type filters
  • github-2615: Updating Android StageText to work in a background thread
  • github-2655: Fixing the iOS certificate security alert message by moving it out from async thread
  • github-2660: Ensuring Android platformsdk is picked up properly on cmdline
  • github-2665: Removing memory leakage in Worker when sending strings over MessageChannel
  • github-2666: Ensuring android CameraUI provider is properly named with air prefix
  • github-2667: Fixing JNI problems with Android TimeZone.availableTimeZoneNames
  • github-2670: Ensuring AIR on Android shuts down appropriately on exit() call
  • github-2671: Preventing Android JNI-detach crash
  • github-2684: Ensuring command-line platformsdk has priority in ADT
  • github-2694: Excluding invalid files from Gradle builds

Note re github-2409 (Fixing tvOS stub generation) - the stub-tvos folder update didn't work in this release, so this error is actually still present; there is a patch library under the github issue entry to resolve it.

· One min read

AIR SDK has been released by Harman.

Bug Fixes

  • AIR-6609: AIR Android ANRs caused by surface nativeIsXXX calls blocking
  • AIR-6626: AIR Android JNI stability improvements for runtime in background thread
  • github-360: Eliminating duplication on the command line when calling LD64
  • github-1871: Ensuring Android AIR file utils have API-level conditional access
  • github-1871: Adjusting Android openWithDefaultApplication to not need query-package permissions
  • github-2326: Updating Android WebView creation to work in a background thread
  • github-2385: Ensuring Worker start-up continues if an ANE loading fails due to permissions
  • github-2571: Fixing crash-on-exit due to use of permission manager
  • github-2612: Adding support for provisioning profile for macOS app bundle packaging
  • github-2618: Fixing asynchronous XML signature verification
  • github-2620: Ensuring Android secure socket returns the certificate status
  • github-2657: Adding Android lint options to not abort on error

· One min read

AIR SDK has been released by Harman.

Bug Fixes

  • AIR-6560: Ensuring auto-orientation updates from AS3 are recognised in iOS16
  • github-2409: Removing another tvOS invalid reference
  • github-2551: Ensuring cyrillic text works in StageWebView.loadString()
  • github-2576: Protecting against a crash in registering ANEs
  • github-2577: Avoiding the display of UIAlertController in the main thread
  • github-2591: Fixing crash when saving a file asynchronously
  • github-2599: Fixing AIR not resuming after proximity sensing on iOS

· One min read

AIR SDK has been released by Harman.

Bug fixes

  • AIR-6525: Generating stub files for swift libraries
  • AIR-6526: Ensuring ADT does not generate bitcode (for tvOS)
  • github-1984: Removing Linux H.264 video support whilst issues are resolved
  • github-2326: Workaround for Android ANE functions to run in UI thread
  • github-2409: Removing tvOS invalid reference
  • github-2486: Ensuring only one maximize event is sent on macOS
  • github-2517: Check for intent handling before requesting SAF file permissions
  • github-2532: Fixing argumenterror thrown when closing a window after StageWebView.dispose() call
  • github-2533: Attempting to resolve Android content files and launch in default app; Updating Android file handling functions to use Java to fix permission issues; Correcting File.resolvePath() for Android content URLs
  • github-2547: Ensure StateChange Events are sent for maximise events on Linux even if the window has already been resized.

· 2 min read

AIR SDK has been released by Harman.


  • AIR-6395: Implementation of screen mode on mobile platforms
  • AIR-6451: ADT output logging to SDK Manager troubleshooting tab
  • AIR-6475: AIR ANE - ability to use VideoTexture for Android video players
  • github-1777: Ensuring iOS cameras support higher resolutions
  • github-1802: Updating camera maximum resolution to 4K
  • github-1984: Enabling video on linux using ffmpeg
  • github-2073: Adding support for HTTPS_PROXY environment variable to ADT
  • github-2482: ADT certificate creation supporting 25 year default and beyond 2050
  • github-2502: Adding file version information into .exe file generated by windows bundle packaging
  • github-2522: Throw an error if 'new Vector()' is called with an invalid argument type
  • github-2525: Automatically injecting INTERNET permission for debug Android packages

Bug fixes

  • AIR-6037: Updating iOS event handling to fix screen time impact on audio
  • AIR-6479: Fixing instabilities in macOS URL handling
  • AIR-6486: Fixing crash in Android permission manager from CameraRoll storage request
  • github-1830: Updating macho signing to allow replacing of a smaller signature at the end of a file
  • github-2293: Add caching of method closures to reduce memory churn
  • github-2339: Fixing StageWebView location handling across stages and screens
  • github-2385: Ensuring Worker isolates load ANE swf definitions at start-up
  • github-2409: Updating build settings for tvOS runtime to avoid missing symbols
  • github-2481: Fixing performance slowdown when Direct3D window is minimised
  • github-2493: Fixing crash on Linux when exiting fullscreen
  • github-2496: Ensuring any folder structures are created for mac bundle outputs
  • github-2508: Ensuring that dpi-changed resize events are handled during moveWindow

· One min read

AIR SDK has been released by Harman.


  • AIR-4357: AIR Android – adding runtimeInBackgroundThread flag to app descriptor
  • AIR-6386: Adding handlers for Developer ID Application certs for .air on macOS
  • AIR-6424: Adding support for TCP_NODELAY via a host name flag
  • AIR-6438: Adding support for content:// URIs on Android
  • github-956: Adding gradle dependencies sections to Android ANEs
  • github-2357: Adding 'onRequestPermissionsResult' mechanism for Android ANEs to use
  • github-2369: Adding a package error if the macOS captive runtime is malformed
  • github-2417: Building support for Apple tvOS applications
  • github-2435: Adding configuration file 'iPhoneSimulator' entry
  • github-2467: Adding Java FREByteArray setLength method
  • github-2469: Removing default Android INTERNET permission injection

Bug fixes

  • AIR-5846: Remove A2712Enabler from SDK/runtime
  • github-2208: Allow activation of windows on Linux even if they aren’t owner/owned
  • github-2339: Ensuring Win32 Webview classes move properly between stages
  • github-2372: Adding a default string for NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription in IPA info plist file
  • github-2375: Fixing framework code resources in IPA signature
  • github-2385: Reverting FDB Worker workaround from - github-399
  • github-2441: Ensuring IPA framework packaging handles universal binaries without armv7

· One min read

AIR SDK has been released by Harman.


  • AIR-5964: Reverting the merging of ABC blocks in SWCs
  • github-1963: Allowing the app descriptor to limit the Direct3D version level (using a new descriptor option <maxD3D> under the <windows> section)
  • github-2014: Adding 'ignore' option for autoOrients to avoid using OrientationEventListener

Bug Fixes

  • github-402: Sending ByteArray from Worker cause Adobe Scout show incorrect memory consumption
  • github-1950: Cleaning up local JNI references to avoid Java OutOfMemory errors
  • github-1965: Fixing runtimeClases.jar file format to remove directory entries, and enabling jetifier
  • github-1973: Removing exe and dll files from the Linux and macOS SDK zips
  • github-1974: Reworking omit-trace-statements to ensure the compiler still works within Flash Builder
  • github-2010: Fixing error in Rectangle.unionToOutput if 'this' object is the same as 'output' parameter
  • github-2042, github-2047: Fixing problem with autoOrients setting being skipped