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ADT Error Messages

The following tables list the possible errors that can be reported by the ADT program and the probable causes:

Application descriptor validation errors

Error codeDescriptionNotes
100Application descriptor cannot be parsedCheck the application descriptor file for XML syntax errors such as unclosed tags.
101Namespace is missingAdd the missing namespace.
102Invalid namespaceCheck the namespace spelling.
103Unexpected element or attributeRemove offending elements and attributes. Custom values are not allowed in the descriptor file.
Check the spelling of element and attribute names.
Make sure that elements are placed within the correct parent element and that attributes are used with the correct elements.
104Missing element or attributeAdd the required element or attribute.
105Element or attribute contains an invalid valueCorrect the offending value.
106Illegal window attribute combinationSome window settings, such as transparency = true and systemChrome = standard cannot be used together. Change one of the incompatible settings.
107Window minimum size is larger than the window maximum sizeChange either the minimum or the maximum size setting.
108Attribute already used in prior element
109Duplicate element.Remove the duplicate element.
110At least one element of the specified type is required.Add the missing element.
111None of the profiles listed in the application descriptor support native extensions.Add a profile to the supportedProfies list that supports native extensions.
112The AIR target doesn't support native extensions.Choose a target that supports native extensions.
113<nativeLibrary> and <initializer> must be provided together.An initializer function must be specified for every native library in the native extension.
114Found <finalizer> without <nativeLibrary>.Do not specify a finalizer unless the platform uses a native library.
115The default platform must not contain a native implementation.Do not specify a native library in the default platform element.
116Browser invocation is not supported for this target.The <allowBrowserInvocation> element cannot be true for the specified packaging target.
117This target requires at least namespace n to package native extensions.Change the AIR namespace in the application descriptor to a supported value.

See AIR application descriptor files for information about the namespaces, elements, attributes, and their valid values.

Application icon errors

Error codeDescriptionNotes
200Icon file cannot be openedCheck that the file exists at the specified path.Use another application to ensure that the file can be opened.
201Icon is the wrong sizeIcon size (in pixels) must match the XML tag.
For example, given the application descriptor element: <image32x32>icon.png</image32x32> The image in icon.png must be exactly 32x32 pixels.
202Icon file contains an unsupported image formatOnly the PNG format is supported. Convert images in other formats before packaging your application.

Application file errors

Error codeDescriptionNotes
300Missing file, or file cannot be openedA file specified on the command line cannot be found, or cannot be opened.
301Application descriptor file missing or cannot be openedThe application descriptor file cannot be found at the specified path or cannot be opened.
302Root content file missing from packageThe SWF or HTML file referenced in the <content> element of the application descriptor must be added to the package by including it in the files listed on the ADT command line.
303Icon file missing from packageThe icon files specified in the application descriptor must be added to the package by including them among the files listed on the ADT command line. Icon files are not added automatically.
304Initial window content is invalidThe file referenced in the <content> element of the application descriptor is not recognized as a valid HTML or SWF file.
305Initial window content SWF version exceeds namespace versionThe SWF version of the file referenced in the <content> element of the application descriptor is not supported by the version of AIR specified in the descriptor namespace. For example, attempting to package a SWF10 (Flash Player 10) file as the initial content of an AIR 1.1 application will generate this error.
306Profile not supported.The profile you are specifying in the application descriptor file is not supported. See supportedProfiles.
307Namespace must be at least nnn.Use the appropriate namespace for the features used in the application (such as the 2.0 namespace).

Exit codes for other errors

Exit codeDescriptionNotes
2Usage errorCheck the command-line arguments for errors
5Unknown errorThis error indicates a situation that cannot be explained by common error conditions. Possible root causes include incompatibility between ADT and the Java Runtime Environment, corrupt ADT or JRE installations, and programming errors within ADT.
6Could not write to output directoryMake sure that the specified (or implied) output directory is accessible and that the containing drive is has sufficient disk space.
7Could not access certificateMake sure that the path to the keystore is specified correctly.
Check that the certificate within the keystore can be accessed. The Java 1.6 Keytool utility can be used to help troubleshoot certificate access issues.
8Invalid certificateThe certificate file is malformed, modified, expired, or revoked.
9Could not sign AIR fileVerify the signing options passed to ADT.
10Could not create time stampADT could not establish a connection to the timestamp server. If you connect to the internet through a proxy server, you may need to configure the JRE proxy settings.
11Certificate creation errorVerify the command-line arguments used for creating signatures.
12Invalid inputVerify file paths and other arguments passed to ADT on the command line.
13Missing device SDKVerify the device SDK configuration. ADT cannot locate the device SDK required to execute the specified command.
14Device errorADT cannot execute the command because of a device restriction or problem. For example, this exit code is emitted when attempting to uninstall an app that is not actually installed.
15No devicesVerify that a device is attached and turned on or that an emulator is running.
16Missing GPL componentsThe current AIR SDK does not include all the components required to perform the request operation.
17Device packaging tool failed.The package could not be created because expected operating system components are missing.

Android errors

Exit codeDescriptionNotes
400Current Android sdk version doesn't support attribute.Check that the attribute name is spelled correctly and is a valid attribute for the element in which it appears. You may need to set the -platformsdk flag in the ADT command if the attribute was introduced after Android 2.2.
401Current Android sdk version doesn't support attribute valueCheck that the attribute value is spelled correctly and is a valid value for the attribute. You may need to set the -platformsdk flag in the ADT command if the attribute value was introduced after Android 2.2.
402Current Android sdk version doesn't support XML tagCheck that the XML tag name is spelled correctly and is a valid Android manifest document element. You may need to set the -platformsdk flag in the ADT command if the element was introduced after Android 2.2.
403Android tag is not allowed to be overriddenThe application is attempting to override an Android manifest element that is reserved for use by AIR. See Android settings.
404Android attribute is not allowed to be overriddenThe application is attempting to override an Android manifest attribute that is reserved for use by AIR. See Android settings.
405Android tag %1 must be the first element in manifestAdditions tagMove the specified tag to the required location.
406The attribute %1 of the android tag %2 has invalid value %3.Supply a valid value for the attribute.