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Accessing the HTML history list

As new pages are loaded in an HTMLLoader object, the runtime maintains a history list for the object. The history list corresponds to the window.history object in the HTML page. The HTMLLoader class includes the following properties and methods that let you work with the HTML history list:

Class memberDescription
historyLengthThe overall length of the history list, including back and forward entries.
historyPositionThe current position in the history list. History items before this position represent "back" navigation, and items after this position represent "forward" navigation.
getHistoryAt()Returns the URLRequest object corresponding to the history entry at the specified position in the history list.
historyBack()Navigates back in the history list, if possible.
historyForward()Navigates forward in the history list, if possible.
historyGo()Navigates the indicated number of steps in the browser history. Navigates forward if positive, backward if negative. Navigating to zero reloads the page. Specifying a position beyond the end navigates to the end of the list.

Items in the history list are stored as objects of type HTMLHistoryItem. The HTMLHistoryItem class has the following properties:

isPostSet to true if the HTML page includes POST data.
originalUrlThe original URL of the HTML page, before any redirects.
titleThe title of the HTML page.
urlThe URL of the HTML page.