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Embedding fonts

You can statically embed fonts in ActionScript through the Embed meta-data. Here is a basic example:

public final class Fonts {
source = 'path/to/font.ttf',
fontName = 'Font Name',
mimeType = 'application/x-font',
advancedAntiAliasing = 'true',
embedAsCFF = 'false'
public static const myFont:Class;

Note that if you want to refer to that font, you also need to refer to this Fonts class somewhere in your ActionScript program.

Using embedded font in a TextField

To use the font in a TextField object, you must set its embedFonts property to true and match the property font of the desired TextFormat with the fontName option from the Embed meta-data.

textField.embedFonts = true;
textField.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat;
textField.defaultTextFormat.font = 'Font Name';

Embed options


The mimeType can be set to either:

  • "application/x-font-truetype"
  • "application/x-font" (resolves to system font)


Path to the font file relative to the ActionScript file that uses Embed.


Defines a name for the font that can be used in style sheets.


This option can be either:

  • "normal"
  • "italic"
  • "oblique"


This option can be either a number in quotes, such as "700" or one of the following:

  • "normal"
  • "bold"
  • "heavy"


Determines whether to include the advanced anti-aliasing information when embedding the font.


Specifies a range (or subset) of characters that compose the face of an embedded font, in the format U+[beginning of range]-[end of range]. Each character in a font that you use must be described; removing some of these characters reduces the overall size of the description information that Flash must include for each embedded font.


  • [Embed(unicodeRange="U+0041")]
  • [Embed(unicodeRange="U+0041-007F")]
  • [Embed(unicodeRange="U+0041,U+0043-00FF,U+0045")]


Allows to embed a system font. Replaces the option source. It will embed the font defined by "name" from the computer's Fonts folder.