This page explains the conventions used in the Adobe Flex 2 Language ReferenceActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference.
Typographical conventions
This reference uses the following typographical conventions:
- Italic font indicates a value that you replace with a specific value.
- Bold font indicates language elements.
Code font
indicates code snippets or language elements in the text.
- In ActionScript, double forward slashes (//) precede comments.
- In ActionScript, forward slashes and
asterisks (/*... */) denote the beginning and end, respectively, of commented lines.
- In MXML, the characters <!-- and --> denote the beginning and end of commented lines, respectively.
- Numeric value ranges in code are represented as 0..59.
Note: In code examples, long lines of code may be broken for readability. If an error occurs when you
copy and paste example code, verify that a long line of code does not contain a return.
Presentation of class APIs
APIs are presented in typical API documentation format, but with the following modifications
to help you better understand the ActionScript language:
- The Package entry lists the package to which the class belongs.
- The Class entry lists the class and its attributes.
- Inheritance information shows the inheritance path and list inherited elements.
Two types of arrow indicate inheritance:
- In the Inheritance entry at the top of the class description, a right-hand arrow points to the
superclass that the class inherits from.
- In the Public Properties and Public Methods sections, an upward arrow appears to the left of a property or
method inherited from another class.
- The Implements entry lists any interfaces that the class implements.
- The Subclasses entry lists any classes that inherit from this class.
- Constructors are listed as the first method in each Public Methods summary; thereafter, the methods
are listed alphabetically.
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Wed Sep 28 2022, 6:13 PM GMT+01:00