Documentation for ActionScript™ classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners that belong to a specific class in ActionScript™ (as opposed to global functions or properties). The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain member belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

 AAAARecord The AAAARecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) AAAA resource record containing an IPv6 address.
flash.sensors The Accelerometer class dispatches events based on activity detected by the device's motion sensor.
 AccelerometerEvent The Accelerometer class dispatches AccelerometerEvent objects when acceleration updates are obtained from the Accelerometer sensor installed on the device.
flash.accessibility The Accessibility class manages communication with screen readers.
flash.accessibility The AccessibilityImplementation class is the base class in Flash Player that allows for the implementation of accessibility in components.
flash.accessibility The AccessibilityProperties class lets you control the presentation of Flash objects to accessibility aids, such as screen readers.
flash.display The ActionScriptVersion class is an enumeration of constant values that indicate the language version of a loaded SWF file.
 ActivityEvent A Camera or Microphone object dispatches an ActivityEvent object whenever a camera or microphone reports that it has become active or inactive.
flash.text The AntiAliasType class provides values for anti-aliasing in the flash.text.TextField class.
flash.system The ApplicationDomain class is a container for discrete groups of class definitions.
air.update The ApplicationUpdater class defines the basic functionality of the update framework for Adobe® AIR® applications, without providing any default user interface.
air.update The ApplicationUpdaterUI class defines the basic functionality of the update framework for Adobe® AIR® applications, and it provides a default user interface.
 ARecord The ARecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) A resource record containing an IPv4 address.
Top Level The ArgumentError class represents an error that occurs when the arguments supplied in a function do not match the arguments defined for that function.
Top Level An arguments object is used to store and access a function's arguments.
Top Level The Array class lets you access and manipulate arrays.
 AsyncErrorEvent An object dispatches an AsyncErrorEvent when an exception is thrown from native asynchronous code, which could be from, for example, LocalConnection, NetConnection, SharedObject, or NetStream.
 AudioDecoder The AudioDecoder class enumerates the types of multichannel audio that a system can support.
 AudioDeviceManager Use the AudioDeviceManager class to get audio device information of the system, and select a device for audio playback.

This event fires when user selects a different audio output device from Flash Player's settings UI, or an audio device gets added to / removed from the system.

 AudioOutputChangeReason This class defines an enumeration that indicates the reason for AudioOutputChangeEvent.
 AudioPlaybackMode The AudioPlaybackMode class defines constants for the audioPlaybackMode property of the SoundMixer class.
 AuthenticationMethod The AuthenticationMethod class provides string constants enumerating the different types of authentication used by the authenticationMethod property of the DRMContentData class.
flash.text The AutoCapitalize class defines constants for the autoCapitalize property of the StageText class.
flash.display AVM1Movie is a simple class that represents AVM1 movie clips, which use ActionScript 1.0 or 2.0.
flash.filters The BevelFilter class lets you add a bevel effect to display objects.
flash.display The Bitmap class represents display objects that represent bitmap images.
flash.display The BitmapData class lets you work with the data (pixels) of a Bitmap object bitmap image.
flash.display The BitmapDataChannel class is an enumeration of constant values that indicate which channel to use: red, blue, green, or alpha transparency.
flash.display The BitmapEncodingColorSpace class defines the constants that specify how color channels are sampled by the flash.display.BitmapData.encode() method when specifying the compressor as flash.display.JPEGXREncoderOptions.
flash.filters The BitmapFilter class is the base class for all image filter effects.
flash.filters The BitmapFilterQuality class contains values to set the rendering quality of a BitmapFilter object.
flash.filters The BitmapFilterType class contains values to set the type of a BitmapFilter.
flash.display A class that provides constant values for visual blend mode effects.
flash.filters The BlurFilter class lets you apply a blur visual effect to display objects.
Top Level A Boolean object is a data type that can have one of two values, either true or false, used for logical operations.
flash.text.engine The BreakOpportunity class is an enumeration of constant values that you can use to set the breakOpportunity property of the ElementFormat class.
 BrowserInvokeEvent The NativeApplication object of an AIR application dispatches a browserInvoke event when the application is invoked as the result of a SWF file in the browser using the browser invocation feature.
flash.utils The ByteArray class provides methods and properties to optimize reading, writing, and working with binary data.
 Camera Use the Camera class to capture video from the client system or device camera.
 CameraPosition The CameraPosition class defines constants for the position property of the Camera class.
 CameraRoll The CameraRoll class allows you to access image data in the system media library or "camera roll."

AIR profile support: This feature is supported on mobile devices, but it is not supported on desktop operating systems or AIR for TV devices.

 CameraRollBrowseOptions The CameraRollBrowseOptions class defines the initialization options that may be used when using the Camera Roll API to launch the Image Picker.
 CameraUI The CameraUI class allows you to capture a still image or video using the default camera application on a device.
flash.system The Capabilities class provides properties that describe the system and runtime that are hosting the application.
flash.display The CapsStyle class is an enumeration of constant values that specify the caps style to use in drawing lines.
 CertificateStatus The CertificateStatus class defines constants used to report the results of certificate validation processing by a SecureSocket object.
flash.text.engine The CFFHinting class defines values for cff hinting in the FontDescription class.
Top Level A Class object is created for each class definition in a program.
flash.desktop The Clipboard class provides a container for transferring data and objects through the clipboard.
flash.desktop The ClipboardFormats class defines constants for the names of the standard data formats used with the Clipboard class.
flash.desktop The ClipboardTransferMode class defines constants for the modes used as values of the transferMode parameter of the Clipboard.getData() method.
flash.globalization The Collator class provides locale-sensitive string comparison capabilities.
flash.globalization The CollatorMode class enumerates constant values that govern the behavior of string comparisons performed by a Collator object.
flash.display The ColorCorrection class provides values for the flash.display.Stage.colorCorrection property.
flash.display The ColorCorrectionSupport class provides values for the flash.display.Stage.colorCorrectionSupport property.
flash.filters The ColorMatrixFilter class lets you apply a 4 x 5 matrix transformation on the RGBA color and alpha values of every pixel in the input image to produce a result with a new set of RGBA color and alpha values.
flash.geom The ColorTransform class lets you adjust the color values in a display object.
flash.text.ime The CompositionAttributeRange class represents a range of composition attributes for use with IME (input method editor) events.
flash.utils The CompressionAlgorithm class defines string constants for the names of compress and uncompress options.
flash.concurrent A Condition object is a tool for sharing a resource between workers with the additional capability of pausing execution until a particular condition is satisfied.
flash.text.engine The ContentElement class serves as a base class for the element types that can appear in a GroupElement, namely a GraphicElement, another GroupElement, or a TextElement.
flash.display3D The Context3D class provides a context for rendering geometrically defined graphics.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying the source and destination blend factors.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying the buffer usage type.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying Context3D clear masks.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying 3D buffer comparisons in the setDepthTest() and setStencilAction() methods of a Context3D instance.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying 3D render fill mode in the setFillMode() methods of a Context3D instance.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for sampler mipmap filter mode
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying the Context3D profile.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying whether a shader program is a fragment or a vertex program.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying the Context3D render mode.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying stencil actions.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for sampler filter mode.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying a texture format.
flash.display3D Constants to specify the orientation of a triangle relative to the view point.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for specifying vertex buffers.
flash.display3D Defines the values to use for sampler wrap mode
flash.ui The ContextMenu class provides control over the items displayed in context menus.
flash.ui The ContextMenuBuiltInItems class describes the items that are built in to a context menu.
flash.ui The ContextMenuClipboardItems class lets you enable or disable the commands in the clipboard context menu.
 ContextMenuEvent An InteractiveObject dispatches a ContextMenuEvent object when the user opens or interacts with the context menu.
flash.ui The ContextMenuItem class represents an item in the context menu.
flash.filters The ConvolutionFilter class applies a matrix convolution filter effect.
flash.text The CSMSettings class contains properties for use with the TextRenderer.setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable() method to provide continuous stroke modulation (CSM).
flash.display3D.textures The CubeTexture class represents a cube texture uploaded to a rendering context.
flash.globalization The CurrencyFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting and parsing of currency values.
flash.globalization A data structure that represents a currency amount and currency symbol or string that were extracted by parsing a currency value.
 DataEvent An object dispatches a DataEvent object when raw data has completed loading.
 DatagramSocket The DatagramSocket class enables code to send and receive Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets.
 DatagramSocketDataEvent A DatagramSocketDataEvent object is dispatched when Datagram socket has received data.
Top Level The Date class represents date and time information.
flash.globalization The DateTimeFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting for Date objects and access to localized date field names.
flash.globalization The DateTimeNameContext class enumerates constant values representing the formatting context in which a month name or weekday name is used.
flash.globalization The DateTimeNameStyle class enumerates constants that control the length of the month names and weekday names that are used when formatting dates.
flash.globalization Enumerates constants that determine a locale-specific date and time formatting pattern.
Top Level The DefinitionError class represents an error that occurs when user code attempts to define an identifier that is already defined.
flash.sensors The DeviceRotation class dispatches events based on activity detected by the device's acceletometer, gyroscope sensors.
 DeviceRotationEvent The DeviceRotation class dispatches DeviceRotationEvent and returns roll, yaw, pitch and quaternion data when DeviceRotation updates are obtained from the combined readings from Accelerometer and Gyroscope sensors' readings installed on the device.
flash.utils The Dictionary class lets you create a dynamic collection of properties, which uses strict equality (===) for key comparison.
 Digest The Digest class is used to generate a digest, or hash, of some data.
flash.text.engine The DigitCase class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the digitCase property of the ElementFormat class.
flash.text.engine The DigitWidth class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the digitWidth property of the ElementFormat class.
flash.filters The DisplacementMapFilter class uses the pixel values from the specified BitmapData object (called the displacement map image) to perform a displacement of an object.
flash.filters The DisplacementMapFilterMode class provides values for the mode property of the DisplacementMapFilter class.
flash.display The DisplayObject class is the base class for all objects that can be placed on the display list.
flash.display The DisplayObjectContainer class is the base class for all objects that can serve as display object containers on the display list.
 DNSResolver The DNSResolver class lets you lookup Domain Name System (DNS) resource records.
 DNSResolverEvent The DNSResolverEvent class represents the results of a Domain Name System (DNS) lookup operation.
flash.desktop The DockIcon class represents the Mac OS X®-style dock icon.
 DownloadErrorEvent A DownloadErrorEvent object is dispatched by an ApplicationUpdater or ApplicationUpdaterUI object when an error happens while downloading the update file.
 DRMAuthenticateEvent A NetStream object dispatchs a DRMAuthenticateEvent object when attempting to play digital rights management (DRM) encrypted content that requires a user credential for authentication.
 DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent The DRMManager dispatches a DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent object when a call to the authenticate() method of the DRMManager object succeeds.
 DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent The DRMManager dispatches a DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent object when a call to the authenticate() method of the DRMManager object fails.
 DRMContentData The DRMContentData class provides the information required to obtain the voucher necessary to view DRM-protected content.
 DRMDeviceGroup A device group signifies a group of playback devices that shares protected-content playback rights.

Issued by the DRMManager when any error occurs during any device group related calls.

It is the application's responsibility to explicitly handle the error events.These events include cases where the user inputs valid credentials, but the voucher protecting the encrypted content restricts the access to the content.


Issued by the DRMManager when a device group related call successfully completes.

 DRMErrorEvent The DRMErrorEvent class provides information about errors that occur when playing digital rights management (DRM) encrypted files.
 DRMLicenseRequestEvent The DRMManager dispatches a DRMLicenseRequestEvent object before each call to the loadVoucher() or loadPreviewVoucher() methods of the DRMManager object succeeds.
 DRMManager The DRMManager manages the retrieval and storage of the vouchers needed to view DRM-protected content.
flash.errors The DRMManager dispatches a DRMManagerError event to report errors.
 DRMPlaybackTimeWindow The DRMPlaybackTimeWindow class represents the period of time during which a DRM voucher is valid.
 DRMReturnVoucherCompleteEvent The DRMManager dispatches a DRMVoucherReturnCompleteEvent object when a call to the returnVoucher() method of the DRMManager object succeeds.
 DRMReturnVoucherErrorEvent The DRMManager dispatches a DRMReturnVoucherErrorEvent object when a call to the returnVoucher() method of the DRMManager object fails.
 DRMStatusEvent A NetStream object dispatches a DRMStatusEvent object when the content protected using digital rights management (DRM) begins playing successfully (when the voucher is verified, and when the user is authenticated and authorized to view the content).
 DRMVoucher The DRMVoucher class is a handle to the license token that allows a user to view DRM-protected content.
flash.filters The DropShadowFilter class lets you add a drop shadow to display objects.
flash.text.engine The EastAsianJustifier class has properties to control the justification options for text lines whose content is primarily East Asian text.
flash.text.engine The ElementFormat class represents formatting information which can be applied to a ContentElement.
 EncryptedLocalStore The EncryptedLocalStore class (ELS) provides an encrypted local storage mechanism that can be used as a small cache for an application's private data.
 Encryption The Encryption class is used to encrypt and decrypt ByteArray objects using industry-standard AES-CBC algorithms.
flash.utils The Endian class contains values that denote the byte order used to represent multibyte numbers.
Top Level The Error class contains information about an error that occurred in a script.
 ErrorEvent An object dispatches an ErrorEvent object when an error causes an asynchronous operation to fail.
Top Level The EvalError class represents an error that occurs when user code calls the eval() function or attempts to use the new operator with the Function object.
 Event The Event class is used as the base class for the creation of Event objects, which are passed as parameters to event listeners when an event occurs.
 EventDispatcher The EventDispatcher class is the base class for all runtime classes that dispatch events.
 EventPhase The EventPhase class provides values for the eventPhase property of the Event class.

The ExtensionContext class also provides a static method getExtensionDirectory() for accessing the directory in which the extension is installed on the device.

flash.external The ExtensionInfo class provides details about a particular AIR Native Extension.
flash.external The ExternalInterface class is an application programming interface that enables straightforward communication between ActionScript and the SWF container– for example, an HTML page with JavaScript or a desktop application that uses Flash Player to display a SWF file.
flash.filesystem A File object represents a path to a file or directory.
 FileFilter The FileFilter class is used to indicate what files on the user's system are shown in the file-browsing dialog box that is displayed when the FileReference.browse() method, the FileReferenceList.browse() method is called or a browse method of a File, FileReference, or FileReferenceList object is called.
 FileListEvent A File object dispatches a FileListEvent object when a call to the getDirectoryListingAsync() method of a File object successfully enumerates a set of files and directories or when a user selects files after a call to the browseForOpenMultiple() method.
flash.filesystem The FileMode class defines string constants used in the fileMode parameter of the open() and openAsync() methods of the FileStream class.
 FileReference The FileReference class provides a means to upload and download files between a user's computer and a server.
 FileReferenceList The FileReferenceList class provides a means to let users select one or more files for uploading.
flash.filesystem A FileStream object is used to read and write files.
Top Level A data type representing an IEEE-754 single-precision floating-point number.
flash.display The FocusDirection class enumerates values to be used for the direction parameter of the assignFocus() method of a Stage object and for the direction property of a FocusEvent object.
 FocusEvent An object dispatches a FocusEvent object when the user changes the focus from one object in the display list to another.
flash.text The Font class is used to manage embedded fonts in SWF files.
flash.text.engine The FontDescription class represents the information necessary to describe a font.
flash.text.engine The FontLookup class is an enumeration of constant values used with FontDescription.fontLookup.
flash.text.engine The FontMetrics class contains measurement and offset information about a font.
flash.text.engine The FontPosture class is an enumeration of constant values used with FontDescription.fontPosture to set text to italic or normal.
flash.text The FontStyle class provides values for the TextRenderer class.
flash.text The FontType class contains the enumerated constants "embedded" and "device" for the fontType property of the Font class.
flash.text.engine The FontWeight class is an enumeration of constant values used with FontDescription.fontWeight.
flash.display The FrameLabel object contains properties that specify a frame number and the corresponding label name.
 FullScreenEvent The Stage object dispatches a FullScreenEvent object whenever the Stage enters or leaves full-screen display mode.
Top Level A function is the basic unit of code that can be invoked in ActionScript.
flash.ui The GameInput class is the entry point into the GameInput API.
flash.ui The GameInputControl class represents a control on an input device.
flash.ui The GameInputDevice class represents a single input device commonly used for gaming.
 GameInputEvent The GameInputEvent class represents an event that is dispatched when a game input device has either been added or removed from the application platform.
flash.sensors The Geolocation class dispatches events in response to the device's location sensor.
 GeolocationEvent A Geolocation object dispatches GeolocationEvent objects when it receives updates from the location sensor installed on the device.
 GestureEvent The GestureEvent class lets you handle multi-touch events on devices that detect complex user contact with the device (such as pressing two fingers on a touch screen at the same time).
 GesturePhase The GesturePhase class is an enumeration class of constant values for use with the GestureEvent, PressAndTapGestureEvent, and TransformGestureEvent classes.
flash.filters The GlowFilter class lets you apply a glow effect to display objects.
flash.filters The GradientBevelFilter class lets you apply a gradient bevel effect to display objects.
flash.filters The GradientGlowFilter class lets you apply a gradient glow effect to display objects.
flash.display The GradientType class provides values for the type parameter in the beginGradientFill() and lineGradientStyle() methods of the flash.display.Graphics class.
flash.text.engine The GraphicElement class represents a graphic element in a TextBlock or GroupElement object.
flash.display The Graphics class contains a set of methods that you can use to create a vector shape.
flash.display Defines a bitmap fill.
flash.display Indicates the end of a graphics fill.
flash.display Defines a gradient fill.
flash.display A collection of drawing commands and the coordinate parameters for those commands.
flash.display Defines the values to use for specifying path-drawing commands.
flash.display The GraphicsPathWinding class provides values for the flash.display.GraphicsPath.winding property and the flash.display.Graphics.drawPath() method to determine the direction to draw a path.
flash.display Defines a shader fill.
flash.display Defines a solid fill.
flash.display Defines a line style or stroke.
flash.display Defines an ordered set of triangles that can be rendered using either (u,v) fill coordinates or a normal fill.
flash.text The GridFitType class defines values for grid fitting in the TextField class.
flash.text.engine A GroupElement object groups a collection of TextElement, GraphicElement, or other GroupElement objects that you can assign as a unit to the content property of a TextBlock object.
 GroupSpecifier The GroupSpecifier class is used to construct the opaque groupspec strings that can be passed to NetStream and NetGroup constructors.
 H264Level The H264Level class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the level of H264VideoStreamSettings class.
 H264Profile The H264Profile class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the profile of H264VideoStreamSettings class.
 H264VideoStreamSettings The H264VideoStreamSettings class enables specifying video compression settings for each NetStream.
flash.external The HostObject is the base class of all host objects.
flash.html An HTMLHistoryItem object describes a location in the navigation history of an HTMLLoader object.
flash.html An HTMLHost object defines behaviors of an HTMLLoader object for user interface elements that can be controlled by setting various properties or by calling various methods of the window object of the HTML page.
flash.html The HTMLPDFCapability class contains possible values of the pdfCapability property of an HTMLLoader object.
flash.html The HTMLSWFCapability class contains possible values of the swfCapability property of an HTMLLoader object.
 HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent An HTMLLoader object dispatches an HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent object whenever a JavaScript exception is thrown and not handled with a catch statement.
flash.html This class defines the options that can be specified when JavaScript running in an HTMLLoader object tries to create a new HTML window by calling the method.
 HTTPStatusEvent The application dispatches HTTPStatusEvent objects when a network request returns an HTTP status code.
flash.display The IBitmapDrawable interface is implemented by objects that can be passed as the source parameter of the draw() method of the BitmapData class.
flash.desktop The Icon class represents an operating system icon.
 ID3Info The ID3Info class contains properties that reflect ID3 metadata.
flash.utils The IDataInput interface provides a set of methods for reading binary data.
flash.utils The IDataOutput interface provides a set of methods for writing binary data.
 IDynamicPropertyOutput This interface controls the serialization of dynamic properties of dynamic objects.
 IDynamicPropertyWriter This interface is used with the IDynamicPropertyOutput interface to control the serialization of dynamic properties of dynamic objects.
 IEventDispatcher The IEventDispatcher interface defines methods for adding or removing event listeners, checks whether specific types of event listeners are registered, and dispatches events.
flash.utils The IExternalizable interface provides control over serialization of a class as it is encoded into a data stream.
flash.desktop The IFilePromise interface defines the interface used by the AIR runtime to read data for a file promise.
flash.display This interface is used to define objects that can be used as parameters in the flash.display.Graphics methods, including fills, strokes, and paths.
flash.display This interface is used to define objects that can be used as fill parameters in the flash.display.Graphics methods and drawing classes.
flash.display This interface is used to define objects that can be used as path parameters in the flash.display.Graphics methods and drawing classes.
flash.display This interface is used to define objects that can be used as stroke parameters in the flash.display.Graphics methods and drawing classes.
flash.text.ime Interface for IME (input method editor) clients.
flash.system The ImageDecodingPolicy class provides values for imageDecodingPolicy in the LoaderContext class.
flash.system The IME class lets you directly manipulate the operating system's input method editor (IME) in the Flash runtime application that is running on a client computer.
flash.system This class contains constants for use with the IME.conversionMode property.
 IMEEvent An IMEEvent object is dispatched when the user enters text using an input method editor (IME).
flash.display3D IndexBuffer3D is used to represent lists of vertex indices comprising graphic elements retained by the graphics subsystem.
Top Level The int class lets you work with the data type representing a 32-bit signed integer.
flash.desktop The InteractiveIcon class is the base class for the operating system icons associated with applications.
flash.display The InteractiveObject class is the abstract base class for all display objects with which the user can interact, using the mouse, keyboard, or other user input device.
 InterfaceAddress The InterfaceAddress class reports the properties of a network interface address.
flash.display The InterpolationMethod class provides values for the interpolationMethod parameter in the Graphics.beginGradientFill() and Graphics.lineGradientStyle() methods.
flash.errors The Flash runtimes throw this exception when they encounter a corrupted SWF file.
 InvokeEvent The NativeApplication object of an AIR application dispatches an invoke event when the application is invoked.
flash.desktop The InvokeEventReason class enumerates values returned by the reason property of an InvokeEvent object.
 IOErrorEvent An IOErrorEvent object is dispatched when an error causes input or output operations to fail.
 IPVersion The IPVersion class defines constants representing the different families of IP addresses.
flash.accessibility The ISearchableText interface can be implemented by objects that contain text which should be searchable on the web.
flash.accessibility The ISimpleTextSelection class can be used to add support for the MSAA ISimpleTextSelection interface to an AccessibilityImplementation.
 IURIDereferencer IURIDereferencer defines an interface for objects that resolve URIs in an XML signature.
flash.display The JointStyle class is an enumeration of constant values that specify the joint style to use in drawing lines.
flash.display The JPEGEncoderOptions class defines a compression algorithm for the flash.display.BitmapData.encode() method.
flash.system The JPEGLoaderContext class includes a property for enabling a deblocking filter when loading a JPEG image.
flash.display The JPEGXREncoderOptions class defines a compression algorithm for the flash.display.BitmapData.encode() method.
Top Level The JSON class lets applications import and export data using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.
flash.text.engine The JustificationStyle class is an enumeration of constant values for setting the justificationStyle property of the EastAsianJustifier class.
flash.text.engine The Kerning class is an enumeration of constant values used with ElementFormat.kerning.
flash.ui The Keyboard class is used to build an interface that can be controlled by a user with a standard keyboard.
 KeyboardEvent A KeyboardEvent object id dispatched in response to user input through a keyboard.
flash.ui The KeyboardType class is an enumeration class that provides values for different categories of physical computer or device keyboards.
flash.ui The KeyLocation class contains constants that indicate the location of a key pressed on the keyboard or keyboard-like input device.
flash.globalization The LastOperationStatus class enumerates constant values that represent the status of the most recent globalization service operation.
air.system The License class is used to provide information about the AIR SDK license, for a running application.
flash.text.engine The LigatureLevel class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the ligatureLevel property of the ElementFormat class.
flash.text.engine The LineJustification class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the lineJustfication property of the TextJustifier subclasses.
flash.display The LineScaleMode class provides values for the scaleMode parameter in the Graphics.lineStyle() method.
flash.display The Loader class is used to load SWF files or image (JPG, PNG, or GIF) files.
flash.system The LoaderContext class provides options for loading SWF files and other media by using the Loader class.
flash.display The LoaderInfo class provides information about a loaded SWF file or a loaded image file (JPEG, GIF, or PNG).
 LoadVoucherSetting The LoadVoucherSetting class provides string constants for use with the settings parameter of the DRMManager loadVoucher() method.
 LocalConnection The LocalConnection class lets you create a LocalConnection object that can invoke a method in another LocalConnection object.
flash.globalization The LocaleID class provides methods for parsing and using locale ID names.
 LocationChangeEvent An HTMLLoader or StageWebView object dispatches a LocationChangeEvent object when a new page loads.
Top Level The Math class contains methods and constants that represent common mathematical functions and values.
flash.geom The Matrix class represents a transformation matrix that determines how to map points from one coordinate space to another.
flash.geom The Matrix3D class represents a transformation matrix that determines the position and orientation of a three-dimensional (3D) display object.
 MediaEvent CameraRoll and CameraUI classes dispatch MediaEvent objects when a media stream is available.
 MediaPromise The MediaPromise class represents the promise to deliver a media object.
 MediaType The MediaType class enumerates the general types of media that can be returned by a camera.
flash.system The MessageChannel class provides a mechanism for a worker to communicate with another worker.
flash.system This class defines constants that represent the possible values for the MessageChannel class's state property.
 Microphone Use the Microphone class to monitor or capture audio from a microphone.
 MicrophoneEnhancedMode The MicrophoneEnhancedMode class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the mode property of MicrophoneEnhancedOptions class.
 MicrophoneEnhancedOptions The MicrophoneEnhancedOptions class provides configuration options for enhanced audio (acoustic echo cancellation).
flash.display The MorphShape class represents MorphShape objects on the display list.
flash.ui The methods of the Mouse class are used to hide and show the mouse pointer, or to set the pointer to a specific style.
flash.ui The MouseCursor class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the cursor property of the Mouse class.
flash.ui The MouseCursorData class lets you define the appearance of a "native" mouse cursor.
 MouseEvent A MouseEvent object is dispatched into the event flow whenever mouse events occur.
flash.display The MovieClip class inherits from the following classes: Sprite, DisplayObjectContainer, InteractiveObject, DisplayObject, and EventDispatcher.
flash.ui The Multitouch class manages and provides information about the current environment's support for handling contact from user input devices, including contact that has two or more touch points (such as a user's fingers on a touch screen).
flash.ui The MultitouchInputMode class provides values for the inputMode property in the flash.ui.Multitouch class.
flash.concurrent The Mutex (short for "mutual exclusion") class provides a way to make sure that only one set of code operates on a particular block of memory or other shared resource at a time.
 MXRecord The MXRecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) MX resource record containing a mail exchange server address.
Top Level The Namespace class contains methods and properties for defining and working with namespaces.
flash.globalization The NationalDigitsType class enumerates constants that indicate digit sets used by the NumberFormatter class.
flash.desktop The NativeApplication class represents this AIR application.
flash.desktop The NativeDragActions class defines string constants for the names of the drag-and-drop actions.
 NativeDragEvent Native drag events are dispatched by the interactive objects involved in a drag-and-drop operation.
flash.desktop The NativeDragManager class coordinates drag-and-drop operations.
flash.desktop The NativeDragOptions class defines constants for the names of drag-and-drop actions allowed in a drag-and-drop operation.
flash.display The NativeMenu class contains methods and properties for defining native menus.
flash.display The NativeMenuItem class represents a single item in a menu.
flash.desktop The NativeProcess class provides command line integration and general launching capabilities.
 NativeProcessExitEvent This event is dispatched by the NativeProcess object when the process exits.
flash.desktop This class provides the basic information used to start a process on the host operating system.
flash.display The NativeWindow class provides an interface for creating and controlling native desktop windows.
 NativeWindowBoundsEvent A NativeWindow object dispatches a NativeWindowBoundsEvent object when the size or location of the window changes.
flash.display The NativeWindowDisplayState class defines constants for the names of the window display states.
 NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent A NativeWindow object dispatches events of the NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent class when the window display state changes.
flash.display The NativeWindowInitOptions class defines the initialization options used to construct a new NativeWindow instance.
flash.display The NativeWindowRenderMode class defines constants for the renderMode property of the NativeWindowInitOptions object used to create a native window.
flash.display The NativeWindowResize class defines constants for the possible values of the edgeOrCorner parameter of the NativeWindow startResize() method.
flash.display The NativeWindowSystemChrome class defines constants for the systemChrome property of the NativeWindowInitOptions object used to create a native window.
flash.display The NativeWindowType class defines constants for the type property of the NativeWindowInitOptions object used to create a native window.
 NetConnection The NetConnection class creates a two-way connection between a client and a server.
 NetDataEvent A NetStream object dispatches a NetDataEvent object when a data message is encountered in the media stream.
 NetGroup Instances of the NetGroup class represent membership in an RTMFP group.
 NetGroupInfo The NetGroupInfo class specifies various Quality of Service (QoS) statistics related to a NetGroup object's underlying RTMFP Peer-to-Peer data transport.
 NetGroupReceiveMode The NetGroupReceiveMode class is an enumeration of constant values used for the receiveMode property of the NetGroup class.
 NetGroupReplicationStrategy The NetGroupReplicationStrategy class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the replicationStrategy property of the NetGroup class.
 NetGroupSendMode The NetGroupSendMode class is an enumeration of constant values used for the sendMode parameter of the NetGroup.sendToNeighbor() method.
 NetGroupSendResult The NetGroupSendResult class is an enumeration of constant values used for the return value of the Directed Routing methods associated with a NetGroup instance.
 NetMonitor The NetMonitor class maintains a list of NetStream objects.
 NetMonitorEvent A NetMonitor object dispatches NetMonitorEvent objects when a NetStream object is created.
 NetStatusEvent A NetConnection, NetStream, or SharedObject object dispatches NetStatusEvent objects when a it reports its status.
 NetStream The NetStream class opens a one-way streaming channel over a NetConnection.
 NetStreamAppendBytesAction The NetStreamAppendBytesAction class is an enumeration of the constants you can pass to the NetStream.appendBytesAction() method.
 NetStreamInfo The NetStreamInfo class specifies the various Quality of Service (QOS) statistics and other information related to a NetStream object and the underlying streaming buffer for audio, video, and data.
 NetStreamMulticastInfo The NetStreamMulticastInfo class specifies various Quality of Service (QoS) statistics related to a NetStream object's underlying RTMFP Peer-to-Peer and IP Multicast stream transport.
 NetStreamPlayOptions The NetStreamPlayOptions class specifies the various options that can be passed to the NetStream.play2() method.
 NetStreamPlayTransitions The NetStreamPlayTransitions class specifies the valid strings that you can use with the NetStreamPlayOptions.transition property.
 NetworkInfo The NetworkInfo class provides information about the network interfaces on a computer.
 NetworkInterface The NetworkInterface class describes a network interface.
flash.notifications The NotificationStyle class defines constants for the styles of notifications supported by RemoteNotifier class.
flash.desktop The NotificationType class defines constants for use in the priority parameter of the DockIcon bounce() method and the type parameter of the NativeWindow notifyUser() method.
Top Level A data type representing an IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point number.
flash.globalization The NumberFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting and parsing of numeric values.
flash.globalization A data structure that holds information about a number that was extracted by parsing a string.
Top Level The Object class is at the root of the ActionScript runtime class hierarchy.
 ObjectEncoding The ObjectEncoding class is used in defining serialization settings in classes that serialize objects (such as FileStream, NetStream, NetConnection, SharedObject, and ByteArray) to work with prior versions of ActionScript.
flash.geom The Orientation3D class is an enumeration of constant values for representing the orientation style of a Matrix3D object.
 OutputProgressEvent A FileStream object dispatches OutputProgressEvent objects as pending asynchronous file write operations are performed.
flash.printing This class provides the available values for the paperSize parameter of the PrintJob.selectPaperSize() method.
flash.errors Permission error is dispatched when the application tries to access a resource without requesting appropriate permissions.
flash.permissions A PermissionManager object provides access to information about operating system permissions for a restricted resource such as camera or microphone.
flash.permissions The PermissionStatus class is an enumeration of constant values that specify the authorization status of a permission
flash.geom The PerspectiveProjection class provides an easy way to assign or modify the perspective transformations of a display object and all of its children.
flash.display The PixelSnapping class is an enumeration of constant values for setting the pixel snapping options by using the pixelSnapping property of a Bitmap object.
flash.display The PNGEncoderOptions class defines a compression algorithm for the flash.display.BitmapData.encode() method.
flash.geom The Point object represents a location in a two-dimensional coordinate system, where x represents the horizontal axis and y represents the vertical axis.
 PressAndTapGestureEvent The PressAndTapGestureEvent class lets you handle press-and-tap gesture on touch-enabled devices.
flash.printing The PrintJob class lets you create content and print it to one or more pages.
flash.printing The PrintJobOptions class contains properties to use with the options parameter of the PrintJob.addPage() method.
flash.printing This class provides values that are used by the PrintJob.orientation property for the image position of a printed page.
flash.printing This class provides values for the PrintJobOptions.printMethod property to specify the method of printing a page.
flash.printing The PrintUIOptions class is used to specify options for print dialogs that are displayed to the user.
flash.display3D The Program3D class represents a pair of rendering programs (also called "shaders") uploaded to the rendering context.
 ProgressEvent A ProgressEvent object is dispatched when a load operation has begun or a socket has received data.
 PTRRecord The PTRRecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) PTR resource record containing a canonical domain name.
Top Level QName objects represent qualified names of XML elements and attributes.
Top Level A RangeError exception is thrown when a numeric value is outside the acceptable range.
flash.geom A Rectangle object is an area defined by its position, as indicated by its top-left corner point (x, y) and by its width and its height.
flash.display3D.textures The Rectangle Texture class represents a 2-dimensional texture uploaded to a rendering context.
Top Level A ReferenceError exception is thrown when a reference to an undefined property is attempted on a sealed (nondynamic) object.
 ReferencesValidationSetting The ReferencesValidationSetting class defines constants used by the referencesValidationSetting property of an XMLSignatureValidator object.
Top Level The RegExp class lets you work with regular expressions, which are patterns that you can use to perform searches in strings and to replace text in strings.
 RemoteNotificationEvent Contains events that are dispatched by flash.notifications.RemoteNotifier in response to push notification events from APNs.
flash.notifications The RemoteNotifier class lets you subscribe to and unsubscribe from push notifications.
flash.notifications The RemoteNotifierSubscribeOptions class defines the initialization options that may be used during the remote notification subscription process.
flash.text.engine The RenderingMode class provides values for rendering mode in the FontDescription class.
 ResourceRecord The ResourceRecord class is the base class for Domain Name System (DNS) resource record classes.
 Responder The Responder class provides an object that is used in to handle return values from the server related to the success or failure of specific operations.
flash.text The ReturnKeyLabel class defines the values to use for the returnKeyLabel property of the StageText class.
 RevocationCheckSettings The RevocationCheckSettings class defines constants used by the revocationCheckSetting property of an XMLSignatureValidator object.
 SampleDataEvent Dispatched when a Sound object requests new audio data or when a Microphone object has new audio data to provide.
flash.display The Scene class includes properties for identifying the name, labels, and number of frames in a scene.
flash.display The Screen class provides information about the display screens available to this application.
flash.display The ScreenMode object provides information about the width, height and refresh rate of a Screen.
 ScreenMouseEvent The SystemTrayIcon object dispatches events of type ScreenMouseEvent in response to mouse interaction.
flash.errors The ScriptTimeoutError exception is thrown when the script timeout interval is reached.
 SecureSocket The SecureSocket class enables code to make socket connections using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols.
flash.system The Security class lets you specify how content in different domains can communicate with each other.
flash.system The SecurityDomain class represents the current security "sandbox," also known as a security domain.
Top Level The SecurityError exception is thrown when some type of security violation takes place.
 SecurityErrorEvent An object dispatches a SecurityErrorEvent object to report the occurrence of a security error.
flash.system The SecurityPanel class provides values for specifying which Security Settings panel you want to display.
 ServerSocket The ServerSocket class allows code to act as a server for Transport Control Protocol (TCP) connections.
 ServerSocketConnectEvent A ServerSocket object dispatches a ServerSocketConnectEvent object when a client attempts to connect to the server socket.
flash.display A Shader instance represents a Pixel Bender shader kernel in ActionScript.
flash.display A ShaderData object contains properties representing any parameters and inputs for a shader kernel, as well as properties containing any metadata specified for the shader.
 ShaderEvent A ShaderEvent is dispatched when a shader operation launched from a ShaderJob finishes.
flash.filters The ShaderFilter class applies a filter by executing a shader on the object being filtered.
flash.display A ShaderInput instance represents a single input image for a shader kernel.
flash.display A ShaderJob instance is used to execute a shader operation in stand-alone mode.
flash.display A ShaderParameter instance represents a single input parameter of a shader kernel.
flash.display This class defines the constants that represent the possible values for the ShaderParameter class's type property.
flash.display This class defines the constants that represent the possible values for the Shader class's precisionHint property.
flash.display This class is used to create lightweight shapes using the ActionScript drawing application program interface (API).
 SharedObject The SharedObject class is used to read and store limited amounts of data on a user's computer or on a server.
 SharedObjectFlushStatus The SharedObjectFlushStatus class provides values for the code returned from a call to the SharedObject.flush() method.
 SignatureStatus The SignatureStatus class defines constants used by the validityStatus property of an XMLSignatureValidator object.
 SignerTrustSettings The SignerTrustSettings class defines constants used with the signerTrustSettings property of an XMLSignatureValidator object.
flash.display The SimpleButton class lets you control all instances of button symbols in a SWF file.
 Socket The Socket class enables code to establish Transport Control Protocol (TCP) socket connections for sending and receiving binary data.
 SoftKeyboardEvent A SoftKeyboardEvent object is dispatched when a software-driven keyboard is activated or de-activated on a device or operating system.
 SoftKeyboardTrigger The SoftKeyboardTrigger class provides enumerator values for the triggerType property of the SoftKeyboardEvent class.
flash.text The SoftKeyboardType class defines the types of soft keyboards for mobile applications.
 Sound The Sound class lets you work with sound in an application.
 SoundChannel The SoundChannel class controls a sound in an application.
 SoundCodec The SoundCodec class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the codec property of the Microphone class.
 SoundLoaderContext The SoundLoaderContext class provides security checks for files that load sound.
 SoundMixer The SoundMixer class contains static properties and methods for global sound control in the application.
 SoundTransform The SoundTransform class contains properties for volume and panning.
flash.text.engine The SpaceJustifier class represents properties that control the justification options for text lines in a text block.
flash.display The SpreadMethod class provides values for the spreadMethod parameter in the beginGradientFill() and lineGradientStyle() methods of the Graphics class.
flash.display The Sprite class is a basic display list building block: a display list node that can display graphics and can also contain children.
 SQLCollationType This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the defaultCollationType parameter of the SQLColumnSchema constructor, as well as the SQLColumnSchema.defaultCollationType property.
 SQLColumnNameStyle This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the SQLConnection.columnNameStyle property.
 SQLColumnSchema The SQLColumnSchema class provides information describing the characteristics of a specific column within a table in a database.
 SQLConnection A SQLConnection instance is used to manage the creation of and connection to local SQL database files (local databases).
flash.errors A SQLError instance provides detailed information about a failed operation.
 SQLErrorEvent A SQLErrorEvent instance is dispatched by a SQLConnection instance or SQLStatement instance when an error occurs while performing a database operation in asynchronous execution mode.
flash.errors This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the SQLError.operation property.
 SQLEvent Adobe AIR dispatches SQLEvent objects when one of the operations performed by a SQLConnection or SQLStatement instance completes successfully.
 SQLIndexSchema A SQLIndexSchema instance provides information describing a specific index in a database.
 SQLMode This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the openMode parameter of the and SQLConnection.openAsync() methods.
 SQLResult The SQLResult class provides access to data returned in response to the execution of a SQL statement (a SQLStatement instance).
 SQLSchema The SQLSchema class is the base class for schema information for database objects such as tables, views, and indices.
 SQLSchemaResult A SQLSchemaResult instance contains the information resulting from a call to the SQLConnection.loadSchema() method.
 SQLStatement A SQLStatement instance is used to execute a SQL statement against a local SQL database that is open through a SQLConnection instance.
 SQLTableSchema A SQLTableSchema instance provides information describing a specific table in a database.
 SQLTransactionLockType This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the option parameter of the SQLConnection.begin() method.
 SQLTriggerSchema A SQLTriggerSchema instance provides information describing a specific trigger in a database.
 SQLUpdateEvent A SQLUpdateEvent object is dispatched by a SQLConnection object when a data change occurs on any table associated with the SQLConnection instance.
 SQLViewSchema A SQLViewSchema instance provides information describing a specific view in a database.
 SRVRecord The SRVRecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) SRV resource record containing a service host.
flash.errors ActionScript throws a StackOverflowError exception when the stack available to the script is exhausted.
flash.display The Stage class represents the main drawing area.
flash.display The Stage3D class provides a display area and a programmable rendering context for drawing 2D and 3D graphics.
flash.display The StageAlign class provides constant values to use for the Stage.align property.
flash.display The StageAspectRatio class provides values for the Stage.setAspectRatio() method.
flash.display The StageDisplayState class provides values for the Stage.displayState property.
flash.display The StageOrientation class defines constants enumerating the possible orientations of the stage and the device.
 StageOrientationEvent A Stage object dispatches a StageOrientationEvent object when the orientation of the stage changes.
flash.display The StageQuality class provides values for the Stage.quality property and for the value of the quality parameter to the BitmapData.drawWithQuality() method.
flash.display The StageScaleMode class provides values for the Stage.scaleMode property.
flash.text The StageText class is used to present the user with a native text input field.
flash.text This class defines an enumeration that provides option for clearButton.
flash.text The StageTextContentType class defines the content type/hint that is provided to mobile operating systems when using a StageText text input control.
flash.text The StageTextInitOptions class defines the options available for initializing a StageText object.
 StageVideo The StageVideo object uses the device's hardware acceleration capabilities, if available, to display live or recorded video in an application.
 StageVideoAvailability This class defines an enumeration that indicates whether stage video is currently available.

This event fires when the state of the Stage.stageVideos property changes.

 StageVideoAvailabilityReason This class defines an enumeration that indicates whether stage video is currently available.
 StageVideoEvent A StageVideo object dispatches a StageVideoEvent object after the attachNetStream() method of the StageVideo object and the play() method of the attached NetStream object have both been called.
 StageWebView The StageWebView class displays HTML content in a stage view port.
flash.text This class represents StaticText objects on the display list.
 StatusEvent An object dispatches a StatusEvent object when a device, such as a camera or microphone, or an object such as a LocalConnection object reports its status.
 StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent A StatusUpdateFileErrorEvent is dispatched when a call to the checkForUpdate() method of a ApplicationUpdater object encounters an error while downloading or parsing the update descriptor file.
 StatusFileUpdateEvent Dispatched after the updater successfully validates the file in the call to the installFromAIRFile() method.
 StatusUpdateErrorEvent A StatusUpdateErrorEvent is dispatched when a call to the checkForUpdate() method of an ApplicationUpdater object encounters an error while downloading or parsing the update descriptor file.
 StatusUpdateEvent An updater object dispatches a StatusUpdateEvent object after the updater successfully downloads and interprets the update descriptor file.
flash.filesystem A StorageVolume object includes properties defining a mass storage volume.
 StorageVolumeChangeEvent The StorageVolumeInfo.storageVolumeInfo object dispatches a StorageVolumeChangeEvent event object when a storage volume is mounted or unmounted.
flash.filesystem The StorageVolumeInfo object dispatches a StorageVolumeChangeEvent object when a storage volume is mounted or unmounted.
Top Level The String class is a data type that represents a string of characters.
flash.globalization The StringTools class provides locale-sensitive case conversion methods.
flash.text The StyleSheet class lets you create a StyleSheet object that contains text formatting rules for font size, color, and other styles.
flash.display The SWFVersion class is an enumeration of constant values that indicate the file format version of a loaded SWF file.
 SyncEvent An SharedObject object representing a remote shared object dispatches a SyncEvent object when the remote shared object has been updated by the server.
Top Level A SyntaxError exception is thrown when a parsing error occurs, for one of the following reasons:.
flash.system The System class contains properties related to local settings and operations.
flash.desktop The SystemIdleMode class provides constant values for system idle behaviors.
flash.desktop The SystemTrayIcon class represents the Windows® taskbar notification area (system tray)-style icon.
flash.system The SystemUpdater class allows you to update modules of the Flash Player, such as the DRM module for Adobe Access, as well as the Flash Player itself.
flash.system The SystemUpdaterType class provides constants for a system update.
flash.text.engine The TabAlignment class is an enumeration of constant values that you can use to set the tabAlignment property of the TabStop class.
flash.text.engine The TabStop class represents the properties of a tab stop in a text block.
flash.profiler The Telemetry class lets an application profile ActionScript code and register handlers for commands
flash.text.engine The TextBaseline class is an enumeration of constant values to use in setting the dominantBaseline and alignmentBaseline properties of the ElementFormat class.
flash.text.engine The TextBlock class is a factory for the creation of TextLine objects, which you can render by placing them on the display list.
flash.text The TextColorType class provides color values for the flash.text.TextRenderer class.
flash.text The TextDisplayMode class contains values that control the subpixel anti-aliasing of the advanced anti-aliasing system.
flash.text.engine The TextElement class represents a string of formatted text.
 TextEvent An object dispatches a TextEvent object when a user enters text in a text field or clicks a hyperlink in an HTML-enabled text field.
flash.text The TextExtent class contains information about the extents of some text in a text field.
flash.text The TextField class is used to create display objects for text display and input.
flash.text The TextFieldAutoSize class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the autoSize property of the TextField class.
flash.text The TextFieldType class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the type property of the TextField class.
flash.text The TextFormat class represents character formatting information.
flash.text The TextFormatAlign class provides values for text alignment in the TextFormat class.
flash.text A class that defines the Interactive mode of a text field object.
flash.text.engine The TextJustifier class is an abstract base class for the justifier types that you can apply to a TextBlock, specifically the EastAsianJustifier and SpaceJustifier classes.
flash.text.engine The TextLine class is used to display text on the display list.
flash.text.engine The TextLineCreationResult class is an enumeration of constant values used with TextBlock.textLineCreationResult.
flash.text The TextLineMetrics class contains information about the text position and measurements of a line of text within a text field.
flash.text.engine The TextLineMirrorRegion class represents a portion of a text line wherein events are mirrored to another event dispatcher.
flash.text.engine The TextLineValidity class is an enumeration of constant values for setting the validity property of the TextLine class.
flash.text The TextRenderer class provides functionality for the advanced anti-aliasing capability of embedded fonts.
flash.text.engine The TextRotation class is an enumeration of constant values used with the following properties: ElementFormat.textRotation, ContentElement.textRotation, TextBlock.lineRotation, and TextLine.getAtomTextRotation().
flash.text TextSnapshot objects let you work with static text in a movie clip.
flash.display3D.textures The Texture class represents a 2-dimensional texture uploaded to a rendering context.
flash.display3D.textures The TextureBase class is the base class for Context3D texture objects.
 ThrottleEvent A ThrottleEvent is dispatched when the Flash Player throttles, pauses, or resumes content.
 ThrottleType The ThrottleType class provides values for the playback state property of the flash.event.ThrottleEvent class.
flash.utils The Timer class is the interface to timers, which let you run code on a specified time sequence.
 TimerEvent A Timer object dispatches a TimerEvent objects whenever the Timer object reaches the interval specified by the Timer.delay property.
Top Level The TimeZone class provides information about timezones that can be used in date calculations and to find out about different locations and their time zone offsets.
 TouchEvent The TouchEvent class lets you handle events on devices that detect user contact with the device (such as a finger on a touch screen).
 TouchEventIntent The TouchEventIntent class defines constants for the touchIntent property of the TouchEvent class.
flash.system The TouchscreenType class is an enumeration class that provides values for the different types of touch screens.
flash.geom The Transform class provides access to color adjustment properties and two- or three-dimensional transformation objects that can be applied to a display object.
 TransformGestureEvent The TransformGestureEvent class lets you handle complex movement input events (such as moving fingers across a touch screen) that the device or operating system interprets as a gesture.
flash.display Defines codes for culling algorithms that determine which triangles not to render when drawing triangle paths.
Top Level A TypeError exception is thrown when the actual type of an operand is different from the expected type.
flash.text.engine The TypographicCase class is an enumeration of constant values for setting the typographicCase property of the ElementFormat class.
Top Level The uint class provides methods for working with a data type representing a 32-bit unsigned integer.
 UncaughtErrorEvent An UncaughtErrorEvent object is dispatched by an instance of the UncaughtErrorEvents class when an uncaught error occurs.
 UncaughtErrorEvents The UncaughtErrorEvents class provides a way to receive uncaught error events.
 UpdateEvent A UpdateEvent is dispatched by a ApplicationUpdater object during the update process.
flash.desktop The Updater class is used to update the currently running application with a different version.
Top Level A URIError exception is thrown when one of the global URI handling functions is used in a way that is incompatible with its definition.
 URLLoader The URLLoader class downloads data from a URL as text, binary data, or URL-encoded variables.
 URLLoaderDataFormat The URLLoaderDataFormat class provides values that specify how downloaded data is received.
 URLRequest The URLRequest class captures all of the information in a single HTTP request.
 URLRequestDefaults The URLRequestDefaults class includes static properties that you can set to define default values for the properties of the URLRequest class.
 URLRequestHeader A URLRequestHeader object encapsulates a single HTTP request header and consists of a name/value pair.
 URLRequestMethod The URLRequestMethod class provides values that specify whether the URLRequest object should use the POST method or the GET method when sending data to a server.
 URLStream The URLStream class provides low-level access to downloading URLs.
 URLVariables The URLVariables class allows you to transfer variables between an application and a server.
flash.geom The Utils3D class contains static methods that simplify the implementation of certain three-dimensional matrix operations.
Top Level The Vector class lets you access and manipulate a vector — an array whose elements all have the same data type.
flash.geom The Vector3D class represents a point or a location in the three-dimensional space using the Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z.
Top Level The VerifyError class represents an error that occurs when a malformed or corrupted SWF file is encountered.
flash.display3D The VertexBuffer3D class represents a set of vertex data uploaded to a rendering context.
 Video The Video class displays live or recorded video in an application without embedding the video in your SWF file.
 VideoCodec The VideoCodec class is an enumeration of constant values of supported video codecs.

This event class reports the current video rendering status.

 VideoStatus This class defines an enumeration that describes possible levels of video decoding.
 VideoStreamSettings The VideoStreamSettings class enables specifying video compression settings for each NetStream.
flash.display3D.textures Prior to Flash Player 21, the use of video in Stage3D required the use of the Video object (which is not hardware accelerated), copying of video frame to a BitmapData object, and loading of the data onto the GPU which is CPU intensive.
 VideoTextureEvent Almost exactly StageVideoEvent.
 VoucherAccessInfo A VoucherAccessInfo object presents the information that is required to successfully retrieve and consume a voucher, such as the type of authentication and the content domain of the media rights server.
 VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent The Stage class dispatches VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent when the availablity of Stage for changing vsync state changes.
 WebSocket The WebSocket class is a utility that encapsulates a normal Socket object and implements the WebSocket protocol (RFC 6455).
 WebSocketEvent An event that contains data received from a WebSocket object.
 WebViewDrawEvent A WebViewDrawEvent object is dispatched when a StageWebView object has completed some asynchronous draw event.
flash.system A Worker object represents a worker, which is a virtual instance of the Flash runtime.
flash.system The WorkerDomain class provides a way to create Worker objects and access them.
flash.system This class defines constants that represent the possible values of the Worker class's state property.
 X500DistinguishedName The X500DistinguishedName class defines Distinguished Name (DN) properties for use in the X509Certificate class.
 X509Certificate The X509Certificate class represents an X.509 certificate.
Top Level The XML class contains methods and properties for working with XML objects.
flash.xml The XMLDocument class represents the legacy XML object that was present in ActionScript 2.0.
Top Level The XMLList class contains methods for working with one or more XML elements.
flash.xml The XMLNode class represents the legacy XML object that was present in ActionScript 2.0 and that was renamed in ActionScript 3.0.
flash.xml The XMLNodeType class contains constants used with XMLNode.nodeType.
 XMLSignatureValidator The XMLSignatureValidator class validates whether an XML signature file is well formed, unmodified, and, optionally, whether it is signed using a key linked to a trusted digital certificate.
 XMLSocket The XMLSocket class implements client sockets that let the Flash Player or AIR application communicate with a server computer identified by an IP address or domain name.
air.utils The ZipArchive class is used to represent a zipped-up set of files in memory.
air.utils The ZipEntry class is used to represent a single file within a zip archive.