Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
F — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F key (70).
F1 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F1 key (112).
F10 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F10 key (121).
F11 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F11 key (122).
F12 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F12 key (123).
F13 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F13 key (124).
F14 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F14 key (125).
F15 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F15 key (126).
F2 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F2 key (113).
F24 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F24 key (135).
F3 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F3 key (114).
F4 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F4 key (115).
F5 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F5 key (116).
F6 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F6 key (117).
F7 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F7 key (118).
F8 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F8 key (119).
F9 — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the F9 key (120).
false — Statement
A Boolean value representing false.
farID — Property in class
The identifier of the Flash Media Server instance to which this Flash Player or Adobe AIR instance is connected.
farID — Property in class
For RTMFP connections, the identifier of the far end that is connected to this NetStream instance.
farNonce — Property in class
A value chosen substantially by Flash Media Server, unique to this connection.
farNonce — Property in class
For RTMFP and RTMPE connections, a value chosen substantially by the other end of this stream, unique to this connection.
FAST — Constant static property in class flash.display.ShaderPrecision
Represents fast precision mode.
fastCompression — Property in class flash.display.PNGEncoderOptions
Chooses compression speed over file size.
FAST_FORWARD — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the button for engaging fast-forward transport mode.
fieldOfView — Property in class flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection
Specifies an angle, as a degree between 0 and 180, for the field of view in three dimensions.
file — Property in class
The File instance representing the media object, if one exists.
File — Class in package flash.filesystem
A File object represents a path to a file or directory.
File(path:String) — Constructor in class flash.filesystem.File
The constructor function for the File class.
FILE — Constant static property in class air.utils.ZipEntry
Flag value for a file entry
FileFilter — Final class in package
The FileFilter class is used to indicate what files on the user's system are shown in the file-browsing dialog box that is displayed when the FileReference.browse() method, the FileReferenceList.browse() method is called or a browse method of a File, FileReference, or FileReferenceList object is called.
FileFilter(description:String, extension:String, macType:String) — Constructor in class
Creates a new FileFilter instance.
fileList — Property in class
An array of FileReference objects.
FileListEvent — Class in package
A File object dispatches a FileListEvent object when a call to the getDirectoryListingAsync() method of a File object successfully enumerates a set of files and directories or when a user selects files after a call to the browseForOpenMultiple() method.
FileListEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, files:Array) — Constructor in class
The constructor function for a FileListEvent object.
FILE_LIST_FORMAT — Constant static property in class flash.desktop.ClipboardFormats
An array of files (AIR only).
FileMode — Class in package flash.filesystem
The FileMode class defines string constants used in the fileMode parameter of the open() and openAsync() methods of the FileStream class.
FILE_PROMISE_LIST_FORMAT — Constant static property in class flash.desktop.ClipboardFormats
File promise list (AIR only).
FileReference — Class in package
The FileReference class provides a means to upload and download files between a user's computer and a server.
FileReference() — Constructor in class
Creates a new FileReference object.
FileReferenceList — Class in package
The FileReferenceList class provides a means to let users select one or more files for uploading.
FileReferenceList() — Constructor in class
Creates a new FileReferenceList object.
files — Property in class
An array of File objects representing the files and directories found or selected.
FileStream — Class in package flash.filesystem
A FileStream object is used to read and write files.
FileStream() — Constructor in class flash.filesystem.FileStream
Creates a FileStream object.
fileSystemType — Property in class flash.filesystem.StorageVolume
The type of file system on the storage volume (such as "FAT", "NTFS", "HFS", or "UFS").
fill — Property in class flash.display.GraphicsStroke
Specifies the instance containing data for filling a stroke.
fillRect(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle, color:uint) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Fills a rectangular area of pixels with a specified ARGB color.
filter(callback:Function, thisObject) — Method in class Array
Executes a test function on each item in the array and constructs a new array for all items that return true for the specified function.
filter(callback:Function, thisObject:Object) — Method in class Vector
Executes a test function on each item in the Vector and returns a new Vector containing all items that return true for the specified function.
filters — Property in class flash.display.DisplayObject
An indexed array that contains each filter object currently associated with the display object.
final — Statement
Specifies that a method cannot be overridden or that a class cannot be extended.
findEntry(entry:String) — Method in class air.utils.ZipArchive
Find an entry in the archive using its name.
findInterfaces() — Method in class
Returns the list of network interfaces associated with this machine.
findNextAtomBoundary(afterCharIndex:int) — Method in class flash.text.engine.TextBlock
Finds the index of the next atom boundary from the specified character index, not including the character at the specified index.
findNextWordBoundary(afterCharIndex:int) — Method in class flash.text.engine.TextBlock
Finds the index of the next word boundary from the specified character index, not including the character at the specified index.
findPreviousAtomBoundary(beforeCharIndex:int) — Method in class flash.text.engine.TextBlock
Finds the index of the previous atom boundary to the specified character index, not including the character at the specified index.
findPreviousWordBoundary(beforeCharIndex:int) — Method in class flash.text.engine.TextBlock
Finds the index of the previous word boundary to the specified character index, not including the character at the specified index.
findText(beginIndex:int, textToFind:String, caseSensitive:Boolean) — Method in class flash.text.TextSnapshot
Searches the specified TextSnapshot object and returns the position of the first occurrence of textToFind found at or after beginIndex.
FINGER — Constant static property in class flash.system.TouchscreenType
A touchscreen designed to respond to finger touches.
firstChild — Property in class flash.xml.XMLNode
Evaluates the specified XMLDocument object and references the first child in the parent node's child list.
firstInvalidLine — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextBlock
Identifies the first line in the text block in which TextLine.validity is not equal to TextLineValidity.VALID.
firstLine — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextBlock
The first TextLine in the TextBlock, if any.
firstPage — Property in class flash.printing.PrintJob
The page number of the first page of the range entered by the user in the operating system's Print dialog.
fixed — Property in class Vector
Indicates whether the length property of the Vector can be changed.
flags — Property in class air.utils.ZipEntry
The external attribute flags for this zip entry.
FLASH1 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 1.0.
FLASH10 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 10.0.
FLASH11 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 11.0.
FLASH12 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 12.0.
FLASH2 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 2.0.
FLASH3 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 3.0.
FLASH4 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 4.0.
FLASH5 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 5.0.
FLASH6 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 6.0.
FLASH7 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 7.0.
FLASH8 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 8.0.
FLASH9 — Constant static property in class flash.display.SWFVersion
SWF file format version 9.0.
flash.accessibility — Package
The flash.accessibility package contains classes for supporting accessibility in Flash content and applications.
flash.concurrent — Package
flash.crypto — Package — Package
The package contains classes used for working with Adobe AIR local SQL databases.
flash.desktop — Package
The flash.desktop package contains classes used for copy-and-paste and drag-and-drop operations, as well as the Icon class, used to define system icons used by a file.
flash.display — Package
The flash.display package contains the core classes that the Flash Player uses to build visual displays.
flash.display3D — Package
The flash.display3D package contains the classes that the Flash Player uses to render geometrically defined graphics.
flash.display3D.textures — Package
The flash.display3D.textures package contains classes for textures.
flash.errors — Package
The flash.errors package contains a set of commonly used error classes. — Package
The package supports the new DOM event model and includes the EventDispatcher base class.
flash.external — Package
The flash.external package contains the ExternalInterface class which can be used to communicate with the Flash Player's container.
flash.filesystem — Package
The flash.filesystem package contains classes used in accessing the filesystem. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime.
flash.filters — Package
The flash.filters package contains classes for bitmap filter effects.
flash.geom — Package
The flash.geom package contains geometry classes, such as points, rectangles and transformation matrixes, to support the BitmapData class and the bitmap caching feature.
flash.globalization — Package
flash.html — Package
The flash.html package contains classes used for including HTML content in an AIR application. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. — Package
The package contains classes for working with multimedia assets such as sound and video. — Package
The package contains classes for sending and receiving from the network, such as URL downloading and Flash Remoting. — Package — Package
flash.notifications — Package
flash.permissions — Package
flash.printing — Package
The flash.printing package contains classes for printing Flash-based content.
flash.profiler — Package
The flash.profiler package contains functions used for debugging and profiling ActionScript code.
flash_proxy — Statement
Defines methods of the Proxy class. — Package
The package includes classes for validating XML signatures. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime.
flash.sensors — Package
flash.system — Package
The flash.system package contains classes for accessing system-level functionality, such as security, multilanguage content, etc.
flash.text — Package
The flash.text package contains classes for working with text fields, text formatting, text metrics, style sheets, and layout.
flash.text.engine — Package
The FTE provides low-level support for sophisticated control of text metrics, formatting, and bi-directional text. While it can be used to create and manage simple text elements, the FTE is primarily designed as a foundation for developers to create text-handling components.
flash.text.ime — Package
flash.ui — Package
The flash.ui package contains user interface classes, such as classes for interacting with the mouse and keyboard.
flash.utils — Package
The flash.utils package contains utility classes, such as data structures like ByteArray.
flash.xml — Package
The flash.xml package contains Flash Player's legacy XML support, and other Flash Player-specific XML functionality.
float — Final class in Top Level
A data type representing an IEEE-754 single-precision floating-point number.
float(num:Object) — Constructor in class float
Creates a float object with the specified value.
FLOAT — Constant static property in class flash.display.ShaderParameterType
Indicates that the shader parameter is defined as a float value, equivalent to a single Number instance in ActionScript.
FLOAT_1 — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DVertexBufferFormat
FLOAT2 — Constant static property in class flash.display.ShaderParameterType
Indicates that the shader parameter is defined as a float2 value, equivalent to an Array of two Number instances in ActionScript.
FLOAT_2 — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DVertexBufferFormat
FLOAT3 — Constant static property in class flash.display.ShaderParameterType
Indicates that the shader parameter is defined as a float3 value, equivalent to an Array of three Number instances in ActionScript.
FLOAT_3 — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DVertexBufferFormat
FLOAT4 — Constant static property in class flash.display.ShaderParameterType
Indicates that the shader parameter is defined as a float4 value, equivalent to an Array of four Number instances in ActionScript.
FLOAT_4 — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DVertexBufferFormat
floodFill(x:int, y:int, color:uint) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Performs a flood fill operation on an image starting at an (x, y) coordinate and filling with a certain color.
floor(val:Number) — Static method in class Math
Returns the floor of the number or expression specified in the parameter val.
flush(minDiskSpace:int) — Method in class
Immediately writes a locally persistent shared object to a local file.
flush() — Method in class
Flushes any accumulated data in the socket's output buffer.
FLUSHED — Constant static property in class
Indicates that the flush completed successfully.
fmtBINARY — Constant static property in class
Code for a BINARY websocket message.
fmtCLOSE — Constant static property in class
Code for a CLOSE websocket message.
fmtPING — Constant static property in class
Code for a PING websocket message.
fmtPONG — Constant static property in class
Code for a PONG websocket message.
fmtTEXT — Constant static property in class
Code for a TEXT websocket message.
focalLength — Property in class flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection
The distance between the eye or the viewpoint's origin (0,0,0) and the display object located in the z axis.
focalPointRatio — Property in class flash.display.GraphicsGradientFill
A number that controls the location of the focal point of the gradient.
focus — Property in class flash.display.Stage
The interactive object with keyboard focus; or null if focus is not set or if the focused object belongs to a security sandbox to which the calling object does not have access.
FocusDirection — Final class in package flash.display
The FocusDirection class enumerates values to be used for the direction parameter of the assignFocus() method of a Stage object and for the direction property of a FocusEvent object.
FocusEvent — Class in package
An object dispatches a FocusEvent object when the user changes the focus from one object in the display list to another.
FocusEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, relatedObject:flash.display:InteractiveObject, shiftKey:Boolean, keyCode:uint, direction:String) — Constructor in class
Creates an Event object with specific information relevant to focus events.
focusIn — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched after a display object gains focus.
focusIn — Event in class
Dispatched when this StageWebView object receives focus.
focusIn — Event in class flash.text.StageText
Dispatched when the user is editing text, and the control has keyboard focus.
FOCUS_IN — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a focusIn event object.
focusOut — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched after a display object loses focus.
focusOut — Event in class
Dispatched when the StageWebView relinquishes focus.
focusOut — Event in class flash.text.StageText
Dispatched when the user is no longer editing text, and the control no longer has keyboard focus.
FOCUS_OUT — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a focusOut event object.
focusRect — Property in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Specifies whether this object displays a focus rectangle.
FOLIO — Constant static property in class flash.printing.PaperSize
Folio size
followRedirects — Property in class
Specifies whether redirects are to be followed (true) or not (false).
followRedirects — Static property in class
The default setting for the followRedirects property of URLRequest objects.
font — Property in class flash.text.TextFormat
The name of the font for text in this text format, as a string.
Font — Class in package flash.text
The Font class is used to manage embedded fonts in SWF files.
fontDescription — Property in class flash.text.engine.ElementFormat
An object whose properties describe a font.
FontDescription — Final class in package flash.text.engine
The FontDescription class represents the information necessary to describe a font.
FontDescription(fontName:String, fontWeight:String, fontPosture:String, fontLookup:String, renderingMode:String, cffHinting:String) — Constructor in class flash.text.engine.FontDescription
Creates a FontDescription object.
fontFamily — Property in class flash.text.StageText
Indicates the name of the current font family.
fontLookup — Property in class flash.text.engine.FontDescription
Specifies how the font should be looked up.
FontLookup — Final class in package flash.text.engine
The FontLookup class is an enumeration of constant values used with FontDescription.fontLookup.
FontMetrics — Final class in package flash.text.engine
The FontMetrics class contains measurement and offset information about a font.
FontMetrics(emBox:flash.geom:Rectangle, strikethroughOffset:Number, strikethroughThickness:Number, underlineOffset:Number, underlineThickness:Number, subscriptOffset:Number, subscriptScale:Number, superscriptOffset:Number, superscriptScale:Number, lineGap:Number) — Constructor in class flash.text.engine.FontMetrics
Creates a FontMetrics object.
fontName — Property in class flash.text.Font
The name of an embedded font.
fontName — Property in class flash.text.engine.FontDescription
The name of the font to use, or a comma-separated list of font names.
fontPosture — Property in class flash.text.StageText
Specifies the font posture, using constants defined in the FontPosture class.
fontPosture — Property in class flash.text.engine.FontDescription
Specifies the font posture.
FontPosture — Final class in package flash.text.engine
The FontPosture class is an enumeration of constant values used with FontDescription.fontPosture to set text to italic or normal.
fontSize — Property in class flash.text.CSMSettings
The size, in pixels, for which the settings apply.
fontSize — Property in class flash.text.StageText
The size in pixels for the current font family.
fontSize — Property in class flash.text.engine.ElementFormat
The size of text in pixels.
fontStyle — Property in class flash.text.Font
The style of the font.
FontStyle — Final class in package flash.text
The FontStyle class provides values for the TextRenderer class.
fontType — Property in class flash.text.Font
The type of the font.
FontType — Final class in package flash.text
The FontType class contains the enumerated constants "embedded" and "device" for the fontType property of the Font class.
fontWeight — Property in class flash.text.StageText
Specifies the font weight, using constants defined in the FontWeight class.
fontWeight — Property in class flash.text.engine.FontDescription
Specifies the font weight.
FontWeight — Final class in package flash.text.engine
The FontWeight class is an enumeration of constant values used with FontDescription.fontWeight.
for — Statement
Evaluates the init (initialize) expression once and then starts a looping sequence.
FORCE_REFRESH — Constant static property in class
Downloads the voucher from the media rights server only.
forceSimple — Property in class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties
If true, causes Flash Player to exclude child objects within this display object from the accessible presentation.
forEach(callback:Function, thisObject) — Method in class Array
Executes a function on each item in the array.
forEach(callback:Function, thisObject:Object) — Method in class Vector
Executes a function on each item in the Vector.
for — Statement
Iterates over the items of a collection and executes statement for each item. — Statement
Iterates over the dynamic properties of an object or elements in an array and executes statement for each property or element.
format — Property in class
Retrieves the format of the WebSocket message.
format(value:Number, withCurrencySymbol:Boolean) — Method in class flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter
Creates a string representing a currency amount formatted according to the current properties of this CurrencyFormatter object, including the locale, currency symbol, and currency ISO code.
format(dateTime:Date) — Method in class flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter
Formats a display string for a Date object that is interpreted as being in the user's local time (using the local time components of the Date object such as: date, day, fullYear, hours, minutes, month, and seconds).
FORMAT — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.DateTimeNameContext
Indicates that the date element name is used within a date format.
formatInt(value:int) — Method in class flash.globalization.NumberFormatter
Formats an int value.
formatNumber(value:Number) — Method in class flash.globalization.NumberFormatter
Formats a Number value.
formats — Property in class flash.desktop.Clipboard
An array of strings containing the names of the data formats available in this Clipboard object.
formattingWithCurrencySymbolIsSafe(requestedISOCode:String) — Method in class flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter
Determines whether the currently specified currency symbol can be used when formatting currency amounts.
formatToString(className:String, ... rest) — Method in class
A utility function for implementing the toString() method in custom ActionScript 3.0 Event classes.
formatUint(value:uint) — Method in class flash.globalization.NumberFormatter
Formats a uint value.
formatUTC(dateTime:Date) — Method in class flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter
Formats a display string for a Date object that is interpreted as being in UTC time (using the UTC components of the Date object such as: dateUTC, dayUTC, fullYearUTC, hoursUTC, minutesUTC, monthUTC, and secondsUTC), according to the dateStyle, timeStyle or date time pattern.
forwardAndBack — Property in class flash.ui.ContextMenuBuiltInItems
Lets the user move forward or backward one frame in a SWF file at run time (does not appear for a single-frame SWF file).
fps — Property in class
The maximum rate at which the camera can capture data, in frames per second.
fps — Property in class
The maximum frame rate at which the video frames are encoded, in frames per second.
fps — Property in class
Specifies the number of times per second that a client's changes to a shared object are sent to the server.
fractionalDigits — Property in class flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter
The maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal separator.
fractionalDigits — Property in class flash.globalization.NumberFormatter
The maximum number of digits that can appear after the decimal separator.
FRAGMENT — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DProgramType
A fragment (or pixel) program.
fragmentsPushedFromPeers — Property in class
Specifies the number of media fragment messages that were proactively pushed from peers and received by the local node.
fragmentsPushedToPeers — Property in class
Specifies the number of media fragment messages that the local node has proactively pushed to peers.
fragmentsReceivedFromIPMulticast — Property in class
Specifies the number of media fragment messages that the local node has received from IP Multicast.
fragmentsReceivedFromServer — Property in class
Specifies the number of media fragment messages that the local node has received from the server.
fragmentsRequestedByPeers — Property in class
Specifies the number of media fragment messages that the local node has sent to peers in response to requests from those peers for specific fragments.
fragmentsRequestedFromPeers — Property in class
Specifies the number of media fragment messages that the local node requested and received from peers.
frame — Property in class flash.display.FrameLabel
The frame number containing the label.
frameConstructed — Event in class flash.display.DisplayObject
[broadcast event] Dispatched after the constructors of frame display objects have run but before frame scripts have run.
FRAME_CONSTRUCTED — Constant static property in class
The Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED constant defines the value of the type property of an frameConstructed event object.
frameLabel — Event in class flash.display.FrameLabel
Dispatched when the playhead enter a new frame, and the frame has a FrameLabel object defined with a listener registered for the event.
FrameLabel — Final class in package flash.display
The FrameLabel object contains properties that specify a frame number and the corresponding label name.
FrameLabel(name:String, frame:int) — Constructor in class flash.display.FrameLabel
FRAME_LABEL — Constant static property in class
The Event.FRAME_LABEL constant defines the value of the type property of an frameLabel event object.
frameRate — Property in class flash.display.LoaderInfo
The nominal frame rate, in frames per second, of the loaded SWF file.
frameRate — Property in class flash.display.Stage
Gets and sets the frame rate of the stage.
frameRate — Property in class flash.ui.MouseCursorData
The frame rate for animating the cursor.
framesLoaded — Property in class flash.display.MovieClip
The number of frames that are loaded from a streaming SWF file.
framesPerPacket — Property in class
Number of Speex speech frames transmitted in a packet (message).
FREE — Constant static property in class air.system.License
Definition for a Free Tier license level
freeMemory — Static property in class flash.system.System
The amount of memory (in bytes) that is allocated to Adobe® Flash® Player or Adobe® AIR® and that is not in use.
fromCharCode(... rest) — Static method in class String
Returns a string comprising the characters represented by the Unicode character codes in the parameters.
FRONT — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DTriangleFace
FRONT — Constant static property in class
The Camera.position property returns this for a front camera.
FRONT_AND_BACK — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DTriangleFace
fscommand(command, args) — Package function in flash.system
Lets the SWF file communicate with either Flash Player or the program hosting Flash Player, such as a web browser.
FULL — Constant static property in class flash.display.ShaderPrecision
Represents full precision mode.
FULL — Constant static property in class flash.filters.BitmapFilterType
Defines the setting that applies a filter to the entire area of an object.
FULL — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.DateTimeNameStyle
Specifies the full form or full name style for month names and weekday names.
FULL_DUPLEX — Constant static property in class
Use this mode to allow both parties to talk at the same time.
fullscreen — Property in class flash.html.HTMLWindowCreateOptions
Specifies whether the window should be full screen.
fullScreen — Event in class flash.display.Stage
Dispatched when the Stage object enters, or leaves, full-screen mode.
fullScreen — Property in class
Indicates whether the Stage object is in full-screen mode (true) or not (false).
FULL_SCREEN — Constant static property in class flash.display.StageDisplayState
Specifies that the Stage is in full-screen mode.
FULLSCREEN — Constant static property in class
The Event.FULL_SCREEN constant defines the value of the type property of a fullScreen event object.
FULL_SCREEN — Constant static property in class
The FullScreenEvent.FULL_SCREEN constant defines the value of the type property of a fullScreen event object.
FullScreenEvent — Class in package
The Stage object dispatches a FullScreenEvent object whenever the Stage enters or leaves full-screen display mode.
FullScreenEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, fullScreen:Boolean, interactive:Boolean) — Constructor in class
Creates an event object that contains information about fullScreen events.
fullScreenHeight — Property in class flash.display.Stage
Returns the height of the monitor that will be used when going to full screen size, if that state is entered immediately.
FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE — Constant static property in class flash.display.StageDisplayState
Specifies that the Stage is in full-screen mode with keyboard interactivity enabled.
FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE_ACCEPTED — Constant static property in class
The FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE_ACCEPTED:String constant defines the value of the type property of a fullScreenInteractiveAccepted event object.
fullScreenSourceRect — Property in class flash.display.Stage
Sets the Flash runtime to scale a specific region of the stage to full-screen mode.
fullScreenWidth — Property in class flash.display.Stage
Returns the width of the monitor that will be used when going to full screen size, if that state is entered immediately.
FULL_WIDTH — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Fullwidth digit set.
fullYear — Property in class Date
The full year (a four-digit number, such as 2000) of a Date object according to local time.
fullYearUTC — Property in class Date
The four-digit year of a Date object according to universal time (UTC).
function — Statement
Comprises a set of statements that you define to perform a certain task.
Function — Final class in Top Level
A function is the basic unit of code that can be invoked in ActionScript.
FUNCTION — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the Mac function key (14).
functionKey — Property in class
Indicates whether the Function key is active (true) or inactive (false).
functions — Property in class flash.external.ExtensionContext
Returns a list of the functions that are available to be called within this native extension context.
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z