Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
M — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the M key (77).
macType — Property in class
A list of Macintosh file types.
MAIN — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264/AVC main profile.
mainExtension — Static property in class flash.external.HostObject
Retrieve the fully qualified package name of the main object model extension.
mainScreen — Static property in class flash.display.Screen
The primary display.
makeUnique() — Method in class
Adds a strong pseudorandom tag to the groupspec to make it unique.
MALAYALAM — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Malayalam digit set.
manageCookies — Property in class flash.html.HTMLLoader
manageCookies — Property in class
Specifies whether the HTTP protocol stack should manage cookies for this request.
manageCookies — Static property in class
The default setting for the manageCookies property of URLRequest objects.
manufacturer — Static property in class flash.system.Capabilities
Specifies the manufacturer of the running version of Flash Player or the AIR runtime, in the format "Adobe OSName".
map(callback:Function, thisObject) — Method in class Array
Executes a function on each item in an array, and constructs a new array of items corresponding to the results of the function on each item in the original array.
map(callback:Function, thisObject:Object) — Method in class Vector
Executes a function on each item in the Vector, and returns a new Vector of items corresponding to the results of calling the function on each item in this Vector.
mapBitmap — Property in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter
A BitmapData object containing the displacement map data.
mapPoint — Property in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter
A value that contains the offset of the upper-left corner of the target display object from the upper-left corner of the map image.
mapTouchToMouse — Static property in class flash.ui.Multitouch
Specifies whether the AIR runtime maps touch events to mouse events.
marshallExceptions — Static property in class flash.external.ExternalInterface
Indicates whether the external interface should attempt to pass ActionScript exceptions to the current browser and JavaScript exceptions to the player.
mask — Property in class flash.display.DisplayObject
The calling display object is masked by the specified mask object.
MASTER_SHELL — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the button for engaging the "Master Shell" (e.g.
match(pattern) — Method in class String
Matches the specifed pattern against the string.
MATCHING — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.CollatorMode
Initializes a Collator object so that the compare method is optimized for determining whether two strings are equivalent.
Math — Final class in Top Level
The Math class contains methods and constants that represent common mathematical functions and values.
matrix — Property in class flash.display.GraphicsBitmapFill
A matrix object (of the flash.geom.Matrix class) that defines transformations on the bitmap.
matrix — Property in class flash.display.GraphicsGradientFill
A transformation matrix as defined by the Matrix class.
matrix — Property in class flash.display.GraphicsShaderFill
A matrix object (of the flash.geom.Matrix class), which you can use to define transformations on the shader.
matrix — Property in class flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter
An array of 20 items for 4 x 5 color transform.
matrix — Property in class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter
An array of values used for matrix transformation.
matrix — Property in class flash.geom.Transform
A Matrix object containing values that alter the scaling, rotation, and translation of the display object.
Matrix — Class in package flash.geom
The Matrix class represents a transformation matrix that determines how to map points from one coordinate space to another.
Matrix(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, tx:Number, ty:Number) — Constructor in class flash.geom.Matrix
Creates a new Matrix object with the specified parameters.
MATRIX2X2 — Constant static property in class flash.display.ShaderParameterType
Indicates that the shader parameter is defined as a float2x2 value, equivalent to a 2-by-2 matrix.
matrix3D — Property in class flash.geom.Transform
Provides access to the Matrix3D object of a three-dimensional display object.
Matrix3D — Class in package flash.geom
The Matrix3D class represents a transformation matrix that determines the position and orientation of a three-dimensional (3D) display object.
Matrix3D(v) — Constructor in class flash.geom.Matrix3D
Creates a Matrix3D object.
MATRIX3X3 — Constant static property in class flash.display.ShaderParameterType
Indicates that the shader parameter is defined as a float3x3 value, equivalent to a 3-by-3 matrix.
MATRIX4X4 — Constant static property in class flash.display.ShaderParameterType
Indicates that the shader parameter is defined as a float4x4 value, equivalent to a 4-by-4 matrix.
matrixX — Property in class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter
The x dimension of the matrix (the number of columns in the matrix).
matrixY — Property in class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter
The y dimension of the matrix (the number of rows in the matrix).
max(val1:Number, val2:Number, ... rest) — Static method in class Math
Evaluates val1 and val2 (or more values) and returns the largest value.
maxBackBufferHeight — Property in class flash.display3D.Context3D
Specifies the maximum height of the back buffer.
maxBackBufferWidth — Property in class flash.display3D.Context3D
Specifies the maximum width of the back buffer.
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE — Constant static property in class flash.ui.GameInputDevice
Specifies the maximum size for the buffer used to cache sampled control values.
maxBytesPerSecond — Property in class
Specifies the maximum rate at which the NetStream buffer is filled in bytes per second.
maxChars — Property in class flash.text.StageText
Indicates the maximum number of characters that a user can enter into the text field.
maxChars — Property in class flash.text.TextField
The maximum number of characters that the text field can contain, as entered by a user.
maximizable — Property in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Reports the maximizable setting used to create this window.
maximizable — Property in class flash.display.NativeWindowInitOptions
Specifies whether the window can be maximized by the user.
maximize() — Method in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Maximizes this window.
MAXIMIZED — Constant static property in class flash.display.NativeWindowDisplayState
The maximized display state.
maximumSpacing — Property in class flash.text.engine.SpaceJustifier
Specifies the maximum spacing (as a multiplier of the width of a normal space) between words to use during justification.
maxLevel — Static property in class flash.text.TextRenderer
The adaptively sampled distance fields (ADFs) quality level for advanced anti-aliasing.
maxLevelIDC — Static property in class flash.system.Capabilities
Retrieves the highest H.264 Level IDC that the client hardware supports.
MAX_LINE_WIDTH — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.TextLine
The maximum requested width of a text line, in pixels.
maxPage — Property in class flash.printing.PrintUIOptions
The maxiumum page number the user can enter in the print dialog.
maxPauseBufferTime — Property in class
Specifies how long to buffer messages during pause mode, in seconds.
maxPeerConnections — Property in class
The total number of inbound and outbound peer connections that this instance of Flash Player or Adobe AIR allows.
maxPixelsPerInch — Property in class flash.printing.PrintJob
The physical resolution of the selected printer, in pixels per inch.
maxScrollH — Property in class flash.text.TextField
The maximum value of scrollH.
maxScrollV — Property in class flash.text.TextField
The maximum value of scrollV.
maxSize — Property in class flash.display.NativeWindow
The maximum size for this window.
maxSupportedGroupspecVersion — Static property in class
Specifies the maximum groupspec version supported by this runtime.
MAX_TIP_LENGTH — Constant static property in class flash.desktop.SystemTrayIcon
The permitted length of the system tray icon tooltip.
maxTouchPoints — Static property in class flash.ui.Multitouch
The maximum number of concurrent touch points supported by the current environment.
maxValue — Property in class flash.ui.GameInputControl
Returns the maximum value for this control.
MAX_VALUE — Constant static property in class float
The largest representable number (single-precision IEEE-754).
MAX_VALUE — Constant static property in class int
The largest representable 32-bit signed integer, which is 2,147,483,647.
MAX_VALUE — Constant static property in class Number
The largest representable number (double-precision IEEE-754).
MAX_VALUE — Constant static property in class uint
The largest representable 32-bit unsigned integer, which is 4,294,967,295.
MD5 — Constant static property in class
Definition for the MD5 algorithm
MEDIA — Constant static property in class
A mode for playing media sounds.
MediaEvent — Class in package
CameraRoll and CameraUI classes dispatch MediaEvent objects when a media stream is available.
MediaEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, — Constructor in class
Creates an MediaEvent object that contains information about the available media file.
mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction — Property in class
Set whether User is required to perform gesture to play media content.
MediaPromise — Class in package
The MediaPromise class represents the promise to deliver a media object.
mediaType — Property in class
The general type of media, either image or video.
MediaType — Final class in package
The MediaType class enumerates the general types of media that can be returned by a camera.
mediaTypeData — Event in class
Dispatched when playing video content and certain type of messages are processed.
MEDIA_TYPE_DATA — Constant static property in class
The NetDataEvent.MEDIA_TYPE_DATA constant defines the value of the type property of the NetDataEvent object dispatched when a data message in the media stream is encountered by the NetStream object.
MEDIUM — Constant static property in class flash.display.StageQuality
Specifies medium rendering quality.
MEDIUM — Constant static property in class flash.filters.BitmapFilterQuality
Defines the medium quality filter setting.
MEDIUM — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.DateTimeStyle
Specifies the medium style of a date or time.
MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.LastOperationStatus
Indicates that memory allocation has failed.
menu — Property in class flash.desktop.DockIcon
The system-supplied menu of this dock icon.
menu — Property in class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
The application menu.
menu — Property in class flash.desktop.SystemTrayIcon
The system tray icon menu.
menu — Property in class flash.display.NativeMenuItem
The menu that contains this item.
menu — Property in class flash.display.NativeWindow
The native menu for this window.
MENU — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the button for engaging the menu.
menuBarVisible — Property in class flash.html.HTMLWindowCreateOptions
Specifies whether a menu bar should be displayed.
menuItemSelect — Event in class flash.ui.ContextMenuItem
Dispatched when a user selects an item from a context menu.
MENU_ITEM_SELECT — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a menuItemSelect event object.
menuSelect — Event in class flash.ui.ContextMenu
Dispatched when a user first generates a context menu but before the contents of the context menu are displayed.
MENU_SELECT — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a menuSelect event object.
merge(sourceBitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, sourceRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, destPoint:flash.geom:Point, redMultiplier:uint, greenMultiplier:uint, blueMultiplier:uint, alphaMultiplier:uint) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Performs per-channel blending from a source image to a destination image.
mergeTextElements(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — Method in class flash.text.engine.GroupElement
Merges the text from the range of elements that the beginIndex and endIndex parameters specify into the element specified by beginIndex without affecting the format of that element.
message — Property in class Error
Contains the message associated with the Error object.
messageAvailable — Property in class flash.system.MessageChannel
Indicates whether the MessageChannel has one or more messages from the sending worker in its internal message queue.
MessageChannel — Final class in package flash.system
The MessageChannel class provides a mechanism for a worker to communicate with another worker.
MessageChannelState — Final class in package flash.system
This class defines constants that represent the possible values for the MessageChannel class's state property.
metaData — Property in class flash.display.DisplayObject
Obtains the meta data object of the DisplayObject instance if meta data was stored alongside the the instance of this DisplayObject in the SWF file through a PlaceObject4 tag.
metaData — Property in class
The most recent metadata object associated with the media being played.
method — Property in class
Controls the HTTP form submission method.
Microphone — Final class in package
Use the Microphone class to monitor or capture audio from a microphone.
MICROPHONE — Constant static property in class flash.system.SecurityPanel
When passed to Security.showSettings(), displays the Microphone panel in Flash Player Settings.
MicrophoneEnhancedMode — Final class in package
The MicrophoneEnhancedMode class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the mode property of MicrophoneEnhancedOptions class.
MicrophoneEnhancedOptions — Final class in package
The MicrophoneEnhancedOptions class provides configuration options for enhanced audio (acoustic echo cancellation).
MicrophoneEnhancedOptions() — Constructor in class
middleClick — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when a user presses and releases the middle button of the user's pointing device over the same InteractiveObject.
MIDDLE_CLICK — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a middleClick event object.
middleMouseDown — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when a user presses the middle pointing device button over an InteractiveObject instance.
MIDDLE_MOUSE_DOWN — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a middleMouseDown event object.
middleMouseUp — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when a user releases the pointing device button over an InteractiveObject instance.
MIDDLE_MOUSE_UP — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a middleMouseUp event object.
milliseconds — Property in class Date
The milliseconds (an integer from 0 to 999) portion of a Date object according to local time.
millisecondsUTC — Property in class Date
The milliseconds (an integer from 0 to 999) portion of a Date object according to universal time (UTC).
min(val1:Number, val2:Number, ... rest) — Static method in class Math
Evaluates val1 and val2 (or more values) and returns the smallest value.
MIN_DOMAIN_MEMORY_LENGTH — Static property in class flash.system.ApplicationDomain
Gets the minimum memory object length required to be used as ApplicationDomain.domainMemory.
minGroupspecVersion — Property in class
Specifies the minimum version number the generated groupspec will have.
minimizable — Property in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Reports the minimizable setting used to create this window.
minimizable — Property in class flash.display.NativeWindowInitOptions
Specifies whether the window can be minimized by the user.
minimize() — Method in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Minimizes this window.
MINIMIZED — Constant static property in class flash.display.NativeWindowDisplayState
The minimized display state.
MINIMUM — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.LigatureLevel
Used to specify minimum ligatures.
minimumSpacing — Property in class flash.text.engine.SpaceJustifier
Specifies the minimum spacing (as a multiplier of the width of a normal space) between words to use during justification.
minPage — Property in class flash.printing.PrintUIOptions
The minimum page number a user can enter in the print dialog.
minSize — Property in class flash.display.NativeWindow
The minimum size for this window.
MINUS — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the - key (189).
minutes — Property in class Date
The minutes (an integer from 0 to 59) portion of a Date object according to local time.
minutesUTC — Property in class Date
The minutes (an integer from 0 to 59) portion of a Date object according to universal time (UTC).
minValue — Property in class flash.ui.GameInputControl
Returns the minimum value for this control.
MIN_VALUE — Constant static property in class float
The smallest (closest to zero, not most negative) representable single-precision IEEE-754 number that does not compare equal to zero.
MIN_VALUE — Constant static property in class int
The smallest representable 32-bit signed integer, which is -2,147,483,648.
MIN_VALUE — Constant static property in class Number
The smallest (closest to zero, not most negative) representable IEEE-754 number that does not compare equal to zero.
MIN_VALUE — Constant static property in class uint
The smallest representable unsigned integer, which is 0.
MIPLINEAR — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DMipFilter
Select the two closest MIP levels and linearly blend between them (the highest quality mode, but has some performance cost).
MIPNEAREST — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DMipFilter
Use the nearest neighbor metric to select MIP levels (the fastest rendering method).
MIPNONE — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DMipFilter
Always use the top level texture (has a performance penalty when downscaling).
mirror — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextLineMirrorRegion
The EventDispatcher object to which events affecting the mirror region are mirrored.
mirrorRegions — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextLine
A Vector containing the TextLineMirrorRegion objects associated with the line, or null if none exist.
MITER — Constant static property in class flash.display.JointStyle
Specifies mitered joints in the joints parameter of the flash.display.Graphics.lineStyle() method.
miterLimit — Property in class flash.display.GraphicsStroke
Indicates the limit at which a miter is cut off.
mnemonicIndex — Property in class flash.display.NativeMenuItem
The position of the mnemonic character in the menu item label.
mode — Property in class flash.display.Screen
The current screen mode of the Screen object.
mode — Property in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter
The mode for the filter.
mode — Property in class
Controls enhanced microphone mode.
modes — Property in class flash.display.Screen
The array of ScreenMode objects of the Screen object.
modificationDate — Property in class
The date that the file on the local disk was last modified.
modified — Property in class air.utils.ZipEntry
The 'last modified' date/time for this entry, which will determine the file time set on an entry if it is unzipped to a file.
MONGOLIAN — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Mongolian digit set.
month — Property in class Date
The month (0 for January, 1 for February, and so on) portion of a Date object according to local time.
monthUTC — Property in class Date
The month (0 [January] to 11 [December]) portion of a Date object according to universal time (UTC).
MorphShape — Final class in package flash.display
The MorphShape class represents MorphShape objects on the display list.
motionLevel — Property in class
The amount of motion required to invoke the activity event.
motionTimeout — Property in class
The number of milliseconds between the time the camera stops detecting motion and the time the activity event is invoked.
Mouse — Final class in package flash.ui
The methods of the Mouse class are used to hide and show the mouse pointer, or to set the pointer to a specific style.
mouseChildren — Property in class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Determines whether or not the children of the object are mouse, or user input device, enabled.
mouseChildren — Property in class flash.display.Stage
Determines whether or not the children of the object are mouse, or user input device, enabled.
MouseCursor — Final class in package flash.ui
The MouseCursor class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the cursor property of the Mouse class.
MouseCursorData — Final class in package flash.ui
The MouseCursorData class lets you define the appearance of a "native" mouse cursor.
MouseCursorData() — Constructor in class flash.ui.MouseCursorData
Creates a MouseCursorData object.
mouseDown — Event in class flash.desktop.SystemTrayIcon
Dispatched by this SystemTrayIcon object on mouse down.
mouseDown — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when a user presses the pointing device button over an InteractiveObject instance.
MOUSE_DOWN — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseDown event object.
MOUSE_DOWN — Constant static property in class
The ScreenMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN constant defines the value of the type property of a mouseDown event object.
mouseEnabled — Property in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Specifies whether this object receives mouse, or other user input, messages.
MouseEvent — Class in package
A MouseEvent object is dispatched into the event flow whenever mouse events occur.
MouseEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, localX:Number, localY:Number, relatedObject:flash.display:InteractiveObject, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, buttonDown:Boolean, delta:int, commandKey:Boolean, controlKey:Boolean, clickCount:int) — Constructor in class
Creates an Event object that contains information about mouse events.
mouseFocusChange — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when the user attempts to change focus by using a pointer device.
MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseFocusChange event object.
mouseLeave — Event in class flash.display.Stage
Dispatched by the Stage object when the pointer moves out of the stage area.
MOUSE_LEAVE — Constant static property in class
The Event.MOUSE_LEAVE constant defines the value of the type property of a mouseLeave event object.
mouseLock — Property in class flash.display.Stage
Set to true to enable mouse locking.
mouseMove — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when a user moves the pointing device while it is over an InteractiveObject.
MOUSE_MOVE — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseMove event object.
mouseOut — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when the user moves a pointing device away from an InteractiveObject instance.
MOUSE_OUT — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseOut event object.
mouseOver — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when the user moves a pointing device over an InteractiveObject instance.
MOUSE_OVER — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseOver event object.
mouseTarget — Property in class
The display list object on which the user right-clicked to display the context menu.
mouseUp — Event in class flash.desktop.SystemTrayIcon
Dispatched by this SystemTrayIcon object on mouse up.
mouseUp — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when a user releases the pointing device button over an InteractiveObject instance.
MOUSE_UP — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseUp event object.
MOUSE_UP — Constant static property in class
The ScreenMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP constant defines the value of the type property of a mouseUp event object.
mouseWheel — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when a mouse wheel is spun over an InteractiveObject instance.
MOUSE_WHEEL — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseWheel event object.
mouseWheelEnabled — Property in class flash.text.TextField
A Boolean value that indicates whether Flash Player automatically scrolls multiline text fields when the user clicks a text field and rolls the mouse wheel.
mouseWheelHorizontal — Event in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched when a horizontal mouse wheel is spun over an InteractiveObject instance.
MOUSE_WHEEL_HORIZONTAL — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseWheelHorizontal event object.
mouseX — Property in class flash.display.DisplayObject
Indicates the x coordinate of the mouse or user input device position, in pixels.
mouseY — Property in class flash.display.DisplayObject
Indicates the y coordinate of the mouse or user input device position, in pixels.
move — Event in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Dispatched by this NativeWindow object after the window has been moved on the desktop.
MOVE — Constant static property in class flash.desktop.NativeDragActions
Defines the string to use for the move action.
MOVE — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a move event object.
movementX — Property in class
When mouse locking is enabled, the change in mouse position in the X direction since the last mouse event.
movementY — Property in class
When mouse locking is enabled, the change in mouse position in the Y direction since the last mouse event.
moveTo(x:Number, y:Number) — Method in class flash.display.Graphics
Moves the current drawing position to (x, y).
moveTo(x:Number, y:Number) — Method in class flash.display.GraphicsPath
Adds a new "moveTo" command to the commands vector and new coordinates to the data vector.
moveTo(, overwrite:Boolean) — Method in class flash.filesystem.File
Moves the file or directory at the location specified by this File object to the location specified by the destination parameter.
MOVE_TO — Constant static property in class flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand
Specifies a drawing command that moves the current drawing position to the x- and y-coordinates specified in the data vector.
moveToAsync(, overwrite:Boolean) — Method in class flash.filesystem.File
Begins moving the file or directory at the location specified by this File object to the location specified by the newLocation parameter.
moveToTrash() — Method in class flash.filesystem.File
Moves a file or directory to the trash.
moveToTrashAsync() — Method in class flash.filesystem.File
Asynchronously moves a file or directory to the trash.
MovieClip — Dynamic class in package flash.display
The MovieClip class inherits from the following classes: Sprite, DisplayObjectContainer, InteractiveObject, DisplayObject, and EventDispatcher.
MovieClip() — Constructor in class flash.display.MovieClip
Creates a new MovieClip instance.
moving — Event in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Dispatched by the NativeWindow object immediately before the window is to be moved on the desktop.
MOVING — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a moving event object.
mtu — Property in class
The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of this network interface.
multicastAvailabilitySendToAll — Property in class
For RTMFP connections, specifies whether peer-to-peer multicast fragment availability messages are sent to all peers or to just one peer.
multicastAvailabilityUpdatePeriod — Property in class
For RTMFP connections, specifies the interval in seconds between messages sent to peers informing them that the local node has new peer-to-peer multicast media fragments available.
multicastEnabled — Property in class
Specifies whether streaming is enabled for the NetGroup.
multicastFetchPeriod — Property in class
For RTMFP connections, specifies the time in seconds between when the local node learns that a peer-to-peer multicast media fragment is available and when it tries to fetch it from a peer.
multicastInfo — Property in class
For RTMFP connections, returns a NetStreamMulticastInfo object whose properties contain statistics about the quality of service.
multicastPushNeighborLimit — Property in class
For RTMFP connections, specifies the maximum number of peers to which to proactively push multicast media.
multicastRelayMarginDuration — Property in class
For RTMFP connections, specifies the duration in seconds that peer-to-peer multicast data remains available to send to peers that request it beyond a specified duration.
multicastWindowDuration — Property in class
For RTMFP connections, specifies the duration in seconds of the peer-to-peer multicast reassembly window.
multiline — Property in class RegExp
Specifies whether the m (multiline) flag is set.
multiline — Property in class flash.text.StageText
Indicates whether the StageText object can display more than one line of text.
multiline — Property in class flash.text.StageTextInitOptions
Specifies whether the StageText object displays multiple lines of text.
multiline — Property in class flash.text.TextField
Indicates whether field is a multiline text field.
MULTIPLY — Constant static property in class flash.display.BlendMode
Multiplies the values of the display object constituent colors by the constituent colors of the background color, and normalizes by dividing by 0xFF, resulting in darker colors.
Multitouch — Final class in package flash.ui
The Multitouch class manages and provides information about the current environment's support for handling contact from user input devices, including contact that has two or more touch points (such as a user's fingers on a touch screen).
MultitouchInputMode — Final class in package flash.ui
The MultitouchInputMode class provides values for the inputMode property in the flash.ui.Multitouch class.
muted — Property in class
A Boolean value indicating whether the user has denied access to the camera (true) or allowed access (false) in the Flash Player Privacy dialog box.
muted — Property in class
Specifies whether the user has denied access to the microphone (true) or allowed access (false).
muted — Property in class flash.sensors.Accelerometer
Specifies whether the user has denied access to the accelerometer (true) or allowed access (false).
muted — Property in class flash.sensors.DeviceRotation
Specifies whether the user has denied access to the Device Rotation data (true) or allowed access (false).
muted — Property in class flash.sensors.Geolocation
Specifies whether the user has denied access to the geolocation (true) or allowed access (false).
mutex — Property in class flash.concurrent.Condition
The mutex associated with this condition.
Mutex — Final class in package flash.concurrent
The Mutex (short for "mutual exclusion") class provides a way to make sure that only one set of code operates on a particular block of memory or other shared resource at a time.
Mutex() — Constructor in class flash.concurrent.Mutex
Creates a new Mutex instance.
MXRecord — Class in package
The MXRecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) MX resource record containing a mail exchange server address.
MXRecord() — Constructor in class
Creates an MX resource record.
MYANMAR — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Myanmar digit set.
MYANMAR_SHAN — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Myanmar Shan digit set.
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z