Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
L — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the L key (76).
label — Statement
Associates a statement with an identifier that can be referenced by break or continue.
label — Property in class flash.display.NativeMenuItem
The display string of this menu item.
labels — Property in class flash.display.Scene
An array of FrameLabel objects for the scene.
LANDSCAPE — Constant static property in class flash.display.StageAspectRatio
Specifies a device orientation that presents a landscape UI
LANDSCAPE — Constant static property in class flash.printing.PrintJobOrientation
The landscape (horizontal) image orientation for printing.
language — Static property in class flash.system.Capabilities
Specifies the language code of the system on which the content is running.
languages — Static property in class flash.system.Capabilities
An array of strings that contain information about the user's preferred user interface languages, as set through the operating system.
LAO — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Lao digit set.
LAST — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the button for watching the last channel or show watched.
lastChild — Property in class flash.xml.XMLNode
An XMLNode value that references the last child in the node's child list.
lastIndex — Property in class RegExp
Specifies the index position in the string at which to start the next search.
lastIndexOf(searchElement, fromIndex:int) — Method in class Array
Searches for an item in an array, working backward from the last item, and returns the index position of the matching item using strict equality (===).
lastIndexOf(val:String, startIndex:Number) — Method in class String
Searches the string from right to left and returns the index of the last occurrence of val found before startIndex.
lastIndexOf(searchElement, fromIndex:int) — Method in class Vector
Searches for an item in the Vector, working backward from the specified index position, and returns the index position of the matching item.
lastInsertRowID — Property in class
The last generated row identifier created by a SQL INSERT statement.
lastInsertRowID — Property in class
The last generated row identifier generated by a SQL INSERT statement.
lastLine — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextBlock
The last TextLine in the TextBlock, if any.
lastOperationStatus — Property in class flash.globalization.Collator
The status of the most recent operation that this Collator object performed.
lastOperationStatus — Property in class flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter
The status of the most recent operation that this CurrencyFormatter object performed.
lastOperationStatus — Property in class flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter
The status of previous operation that this DateTimeFormatter object performed.
lastOperationStatus — Property in class flash.globalization.LocaleID
The status of the most recent operation that this LocaleID object performed.
lastOperationStatus — Property in class flash.globalization.NumberFormatter
The status of previous operation that this NumberFormatter object performed.
lastOperationStatus — Property in class flash.globalization.StringTools
The status of the most recent operation that this StringTools object performed.
LastOperationStatus — Final class in package flash.globalization
The LastOperationStatus class enumerates constant values that represent the status of the most recent globalization service operation.
lastPage — Property in class flash.printing.PrintJob
The page number of the last page of the range entered by the user in the operating system's Print dialog.
latitude — Property in class
The latitude in degrees.
launch(requestedMediaType:String) — Method in class
Launches the default camera application on the device.
LAYER — Constant static property in class flash.display.BlendMode
Forces the creation of a transparency group for the display object.
LCD — Constant static property in class flash.text.TextDisplayMode
Forces Flash Player to use LCD subpixel anti-aliasing.
leading — Property in class flash.text.TextFormat
An integer representing the amount of vertical space (called leading) between lines.
leading — Property in class flash.text.TextLineMetrics
The leading value is the measurement of the vertical distance between the lines of text.
leadingZero — Property in class flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter
Specifies whether a leading zero is included in a formatted currency amount when there are no integer digits to the left of the decimal separator.
leadingZero — Property in class flash.globalization.NumberFormatter
Specifies whether a leading zero is included in a formatted number when there are no integer digits to the left of the decimal separator.
left — Property in class flash.geom.Rectangle
The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
LEFT — Constant static property in class flash.display.NativeWindowResize
The left edge of the window.
LEFT — Constant static property in class flash.display.StageAlign
Specifies that the Stage is aligned on the left.
LEFT — Constant static property in class flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize
Specifies that the text is to be treated as left-justified text, meaning that the left side of the text field remains fixed and any resizing of a single line is on the right side.
LEFT — Constant static property in class flash.text.TextFormatAlign
Constant; aligns text to the left within the text field.
LEFT — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the Left Arrow key (37).
LEFT — Constant static property in class flash.ui.KeyLocation
Indicates the key activated is in the left key location (there is more than one possible location for this key).
LEFTBRACKET — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the [ key (219).
leftExtension — Property in class flash.filters.ShaderFilter
The growth in pixels on the left side of the target object.
leftMargin — Property in class flash.text.TextFormat
The left margin of the paragraph, in pixels.
leftPeak — Property in class
The current amplitude (volume) of the left channel, from 0 (silent) to 1 (full amplitude).
leftToLeft — Property in class
A value, from 0 (none) to 1 (all), specifying how much of the left input is played in the left speaker.
leftToRight — Property in class
A value, from 0 (none) to 1 (all), specifying how much of the left input is played in the right speaker.
LEGAL — Constant static property in class flash.printing.PaperSize
Traditional legal size
len — Property in class
The duration of playback, in seconds, for the stream specified in streamName.
length — Property in class arguments
The number of arguments passed to the function.
length — Property in class Array
A non-negative integer specifying the number of elements in the array.
length — Property in class Function
Returns the length of the argument list for this method.
length — Property in class String
An integer specifying the number of characters in the specified String object.
length — Property in class Vector
The range of valid indices available in the Vector.
length() — Method in class XML
For XML objects, this method always returns the integer 1.
length() — Method in class XMLList
Returns the number of properties in the XMLList object.
length — Property in class flash.geom.Point
The length of the line segment from (0,0) to this point.
length — Property in class flash.geom.Vector3D
The length, magnitude, of the current Vector3D object from the origin (0,0,0) to the object's x, y, and z coordinates.
length — Property in class
The length of the current sound in milliseconds.
length — Property in class flash.text.TextField
The number of characters in a text field.
length — Property in class flash.utils.ByteArray
The length of the ByteArray object, in bytes.
lengthSquared — Property in class flash.geom.Vector3D
The square of the length of the current Vector3D object, calculated using the x, y, and z properties.
LEPCHA — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Lepcha digit set.
LESS — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DCompareMode
Less than (<).
LESS_EQUAL — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DCompareMode
Less than or equal (<=).
LETTER — Constant static property in class flash.printing.PaperSize
Traditional letter size
letterSpacing — Property in class flash.text.TextFormat
A number representing the amount of space that is uniformly distributed between all characters.
letterSpacing — Property in class flash.text.engine.SpaceJustifier
Specifies whether to use letter spacing during justification.
level — Property in class air.system.License
Level of the license (enterprise/professional/basic/free)
level — Property in class
The category of the message, such as "status", "warning" or "error".
level — Property in class
Level used for H.264/AVC encoding.
LEVEL_1 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 1.
LEVEL_1_1 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 1.1.
LEVEL_1_2 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 1.2.
LEVEL_1_3 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 1.3.
LEVEL_1B — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 1b.
LEVEL_2 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 2.
LEVEL_2_1 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 2.1.
LEVEL_2_2 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 2.2.
LEVEL_3 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 3.
LEVEL_3_1 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 3.1.
LEVEL_3_2 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 3.2.
LEVEL_4 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 4.
LEVEL_4_1 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 4.1.
LEVEL_4_2 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 4.2.
LEVEL_5 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 5.
LEVEL_5_1 — Constant static property in class
Constant for H.264 level 5.1.
License — Class in package air.system
The License class is used to provide information about the AIR SDK license, for a running application.
License() — Constructor in class air.system.License
Default constructor - do not call this directly, instead use one of the static methods such as load or loadFromFile.
licenseID — Property in class
The license ID that was passed into the DRMManager.returnVoucher() call.
licenseID — Property in class
The license ID that was passed into the returnVoucher() call that resulted in this error.
licenseID — Property in class
A unique id identifying the content associated with this metadata on the media rights server.
licenseID — Property in class
The unique license ID for this voucher.
LICENSE_REQUEST — Constant static property in class
The string constant to use for the license request event in the type parameter when adding and removing event listeners.
ligatureLevel — Property in class flash.text.engine.ElementFormat
The ligature level used for this text.
LigatureLevel — Final class in package flash.text.engine
The LigatureLevel class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the ligatureLevel property of the ElementFormat class.
LIGHT_COLOR — Constant static property in class flash.text.TextColorType
Used in the colorType parameter in the setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable() method.
LIGHTEN — Constant static property in class flash.display.BlendMode
Selects the lighter of the constituent colors of the display object and the colors of the background (the colors with the larger values).
LIGHTWEIGHT — Constant static property in class flash.display.NativeWindowType
A minimal window.
LIMBU — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Limbu digit set.
LINEAR — Constant static property in class flash.display.GradientType
Value used to specify a linear gradient fill.
LINEAR — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFilter
Use linear interpolation when upsampling textures (gives a smooth, blurry look).
LINEAR_RGB — Constant static property in class flash.display.InterpolationMethod
Specifies that the linear RGB interpolation method should be used.
lineBitmapStyle(bitmap:flash.display:BitmapData, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, repeat:Boolean, smooth:Boolean) — Method in class flash.display.Graphics
Specifies a bitmap to use for the line stroke when drawing lines.
lineEnding — Static property in class flash.filesystem.File
The line-ending character sequence used by the host operating system.
lineGap — Property in class flash.text.engine.FontMetrics
The lineGap value is the suggested gap between lines.
lineGradientStyle(type:String, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, spreadMethod:String, interpolationMethod:String, focalPointRatio:Number) — Method in class flash.display.Graphics
Specifies a gradient to use for the stroke when drawing lines.
lineJustification — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextJustifier
Specifies the line justification for the text in a text block.
LineJustification — Final class in package flash.text.engine
The LineJustification class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the lineJustfication property of the TextJustifier subclasses.
lineRotation — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextBlock
Rotates the text lines in the text block as a unit.
LineScaleMode — Final class in package flash.display
The LineScaleMode class provides values for the scaleMode parameter in the Graphics.lineStyle() method.
lineShaderStyle(shader:flash.display:Shader, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix) — Method in class flash.display.Graphics
Specifies a shader to use for the line stroke when drawing lines.
lineStyle(thickness:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — Method in class flash.display.Graphics
Specifies a line style used for subsequent calls to Graphics methods such as the lineTo() method or the drawCircle() method.
lineTo(x:Number, y:Number) — Method in class flash.display.Graphics
Draws a line using the current line style from the current drawing position to (x, y); the current drawing position is then set to (x, y).
lineTo(x:Number, y:Number) — Method in class flash.display.GraphicsPath
Adds a new "lineTo" command to the commands vector and new coordinates to the data vector.
LINE_TO — Constant static property in class flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand
Specifies a drawing command that draws a line from the current drawing position to the x- and y-coordinates specified in the data vector.
LINING — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.DigitCase
Used to specify lining digit case.
link — Event in class flash.text.TextField
Dispatched when a user clicks a hyperlink in an HTML-enabled text field, where the URL begins with "event:".
link — Property in class flash.ui.ContextMenu
The URLRequest of the link.
LINK — Constant static property in class air.utils.ZipEntry
Flag value for a symbolic link entry
LINK — Constant static property in class flash.desktop.NativeDragActions
Defines the string to use for the link action.
LINK — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a link event object.
listen(backlog:int) — Method in class
Initiates listening for TCP connections on the bound IP address and port.
listening — Property in class
Indicates whether the server socket is listening for incoming connections.
listOwnedWindows() — Method in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Returns a list of the NativeWindow objects that are owned by this window.
listStreams() — Method in class
Retrieves all NetStream objects belonging to this NetMonitor object's security context.
listWorkers() — Method in class flash.system.WorkerDomain
Provides access to the set of workers in the WorkerDomain that are currently running (the Worker instance's state property is WorkerState.RUNNING).
LITTLE_ENDIAN — Constant static property in class flash.utils.Endian
Indicates the least significant byte of the multibyte number appears first in the sequence of bytes.
LIVE — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the button for returning to live [position in broadcast].
liveDelay — Property in class
The number of seconds of data in the subscribing stream's buffer in live (unbuffered) mode.
LN10 — Constant static property in class Math
A mathematical constant for the natural logarithm of 10, expressed as loge10, with an approximate value of 2.302585092994046.
LN2 — Constant static property in class Math
A mathematical constant for the natural logarithm of 2, expressed as loge2, with an approximate value of 0.6931471805599453.
load() — Static method in class air.system.License
Load data from the default location for this application or user.
load(file:flash.filesystem:File) — Static method in class air.utils.ZipArchive
Creates a new ZipArchive object by loading in data from a file.
load(, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — Method in class flash.display.Loader
Loads a SWF, JPEG, progressive JPEG, unanimated GIF, or PNG file into an object that is a child of this Loader object.
load() — Method in class flash.external.ExtensionInfo
A utility method to load in the native library for a dynamic extension.
load( — Method in class flash.html.HTMLLoader
load(, — Method in class
Initiates loading of an external MP3 file from the specified URL.
load() — Method in class
Starts the load of a local file selected by a user.
load( — Method in class
Sends and loads data from the specified URL.
load( — Method in class
Begins downloading the URL specified in the request parameter.
loadBytes(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — Method in class flash.display.Loader
Loads from binary data stored in a ByteArray object.
loadCompressedDataFromByteArray(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, bytesLength:uint) — Method in class
load MP3 sound data from a ByteArray object into a Sound object.
loaded — Property in class flash.html.HTMLLoader
loader — Property in class flash.display.LoaderInfo
The Loader object associated with this LoaderInfo object.
Loader — Class in package flash.display
The Loader class is used to load SWF files or image (JPG, PNG, or GIF) files.
Loader() — Constructor in class flash.display.Loader
Creates a Loader object that you can use to load files, such as SWF, JPEG, GIF, or PNG files.
LoaderContext — Class in package flash.system
The LoaderContext class provides options for loading SWF files and other media by using the Loader class.
LoaderContext(checkPolicyFile:Boolean, applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain) — Constructor in class flash.system.LoaderContext
Creates a new LoaderContext object, with the specified settings.
loaderInfo — Property in class flash.display.DisplayObject
Returns a LoaderInfo object containing information about loading the file to which this display object belongs.
LoaderInfo — Class in package flash.display
The LoaderInfo class provides information about a loaded SWF file or a loaded image file (JPEG, GIF, or PNG).
loaderURL — Property in class flash.display.LoaderInfo
The URL of the SWF file that initiated the loading of the media described by this LoaderInfo object.
loadExtension(extensionID:String, aneFolder:flash.filesystem:File) — Static method in class flash.external.ExtensionContext
Loads an extension into the AIR runtime so that it can be created via createExtensionContext.
loadFilePromise(promise:flash.desktop:IFilePromise, context:flash.system:LoaderContext) — Method in class flash.display.Loader
Loads an IFilePromise instance.
loadFromByteArray(data:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Static method in class air.utils.ZipArchive
Creates a new ZipArchive object by loading in data from a byte array.
loadFromFile(license:flash.filesystem:File) — Static method in class air.system.License
Load data from a specific adt.lic file rather than pick up the application license.
loadPCMFromByteArray(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, samples:uint, format:String, stereo:Boolean, sampleRate:Number) — Method in class
Load PCM 32-bit floating point sound data from a ByteArray object into a Sound object.
loadPolicyFile(url:String) — Static method in class flash.system.Security
Looks for a policy file at the location specified by the url parameter.
loadPreviewVoucher( — Method in class
Gets a preview voucher from the license server, which you can use to let a user verify that they can play content on particular computer.
loadSchema(type:Class, name:String, database:String, includeColumnSchema:Boolean, — Method in class
Loads schema information from the connected database or any attached databases.
loadString(htmlContent:String) — Method in class flash.html.HTMLLoader
loadString(text:String, mimeType:String) — Method in class
Loads and displays the specified HTML string.
loadURL(url:String) — Method in class
Loads the page at the specified URL.
loadVoucher(, setting:String) — Method in class
Loads a voucher from a media rights server or the local voucher cache.
LoadVoucherSetting — Final class in package
The LoadVoucherSetting class provides string constants for use with the settings parameter of the DRMManager loadVoucher() method.
local3DToGlobal(point3d:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Method in class flash.display.DisplayObject
Converts a three-dimensional point of the three-dimensional display object's (local) coordinates to a two-dimensional point in the Stage (global) coordinates.
localAddress — Property in class
The IP address this socket is bound to on the local machine.
localAddress — Property in class
The IP address on which the socket is listening.
localAddress — Property in class
The IP address this socket is bound to on the local machine.
LocalConnection — Class in package
The LocalConnection class lets you create a LocalConnection object that can invoke a method in another LocalConnection object.
LocalConnection() — Constructor in class
Creates a LocalConnection object.
localCoverageFrom — Property in class
Specifies the start of the range of group addresses for which this node is the "nearest" and responsible.
localCoverageTo — Property in class
Specifies the end of the range of group addresses for which this node is the "nearest" and responsible.
locale — Property in class flash.text.StageText
Indicates the locale of the text.
locale — Property in class flash.text.engine.ElementFormat
The locale of the text.
locale — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextJustifier
Specifies the locale to determine the justification rules for the text in a text block.
localeCompare(other:String, ... rest) — Method in class String
Compares the sort order of two or more strings and returns the result of the comparison as an integer.
LocaleID — Final class in package flash.globalization
The LocaleID class provides methods for parsing and using locale ID names.
LocaleID(name:String) — Constructor in class flash.globalization.LocaleID
Constructs a new LocaleID object, given a locale name.
localFileReadDisable — Static property in class flash.system.Capabilities
Specifies whether read access to the user's hard disk has been administratively prohibited (true) or allowed (false).
localityName — Property in class
Returns the DN LocalityName attribute.
localName — Property in class QName
The local name of the QName object.
localName() — Method in class XML
Gives the local name portion of the qualified name of the XML object.
localName — Property in class flash.xml.XMLNode
The local name portion of the XML node's name.
LOCAL_ONLY — Constant static property in class
Loads the voucher from the local cache only.
localPort — Property in class
The port this socket is bound to on the local machine.
localPort — Property in class
The port on which the socket is listening.
localPort — Property in class
The port this socket is bound to on the local machine.
LOCAL_STORAGE — Constant static property in class flash.system.SecurityPanel
When passed to Security.showSettings(), displays the Local Storage Settings panel in Flash Player Settings.
localTimeZone — Static property in class Date
The TimeZone object to use as the "local" value.
localToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — Method in class flash.display.DisplayObject
Converts the point object from the display object's (local) coordinates to the Stage (global) coordinates.
LOCAL_TRUSTED — Constant static property in class flash.system.Security
The file is a local file and has been trusted by the user, using either the Flash Player Settings Manager or a FlashPlayerTrust configuration file.
LOCAL_WITH_FILE — Constant static property in class flash.system.Security
The file is a local file, has not been trusted by the user, and it is not a SWF file that was published with a networking designation.
LOCAL_WITH_NETWORK — Constant static property in class flash.system.Security
The file is a local file, has not been trusted by the user, and it is a SWF file that was published with a networking designation.
localX — Property in class
The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite.
localX — Property in class
When mouse locking is disabled, the horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite.
localX — Property in class
The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite.
localY — Property in class
The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite.
localY — Property in class
When mouse locking is disabled, the vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite.
localY — Property in class
The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite.
location — Property in class
The destination URL of the change.
location — Property in class flash.html.HTMLLoader
location — Property in class
The URL of the current location.
LOCATION_ACCURACY_BEST — Constant static property in class flash.sensors.Geolocation

The best level of accuracy available.

LOCATION_ACCURACY_BEST_FOR_NAVIGATION — Constant static property in class flash.sensors.Geolocation

The highest possible accuracy that uses additional sensor data to facilitate navigation apps.

LOCATION_ACCURACY_HUNDRED_METERS — Constant static property in class flash.sensors.Geolocation

Accurate to within one hundred meters.

LOCATION_ACCURACY_KILOMETER — Constant static property in class flash.sensors.Geolocation

Accurate to the nearest kilometer.

LOCATION_ACCURACY_NEAREST_TEN_METERS — Constant static property in class flash.sensors.Geolocation

Accurate to within ten meters of the desired target.

LOCATION_ACCURACY_THREE_KILOMETERS — Constant static property in class flash.sensors.Geolocation

Accurate to the nearest three kilometers.

locationAlwaysUsePermission — Property in class flash.sensors.Geolocation
This property determines the access permission type usage of geolocation.
locationBarVisible — Property in class flash.html.HTMLWindowCreateOptions
Whether a location bar should be displayed.
locationChange — Event in class
Signals that the location property of the StageWebView object has changed.
LOCATION_CHANGE — Constant static property in class
The Event.LOCATION_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of a locationChange event object.
LOCATION_CHANGE — Constant static property in class
Dispatched after every location change.
LocationChangeEvent — Class in package
An HTMLLoader or StageWebView object dispatches a LocationChangeEvent object when a new page loads.
LocationChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, location:String) — Constructor in class
Creates a LocationChangeEvent object.
locationChanging — Event in class
Signals that the location property of the StageWebView object is about to change.
LOCATION_CHANGING — Constant static property in class
The LOCATION_CHANGING constant defines the value of the type property LocationChangeEvent object dispatched before a change in page location.
lock() — Method in class flash.concurrent.Mutex
Pauses execution of the current worker until this mutex is available and then takes ownership of the mutex.
lock() — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Locks an image so that any objects that reference the BitmapData object, such as Bitmap objects, are not updated when this BitmapData object changes.
locked — Property in class flash.text.engine.ElementFormat
Indicates whether the ElementFormat is locked.
locked — Property in class flash.text.engine.FontDescription
Indicates whether or not the FontDescription is locked.
log(val:Number) — Static method in class Math
Returns the natural logarithm of the parameter val.
LOG10E — Constant static property in class Math
A mathematical constant for the base-10 logarithm of the constant e (Math.E), expressed as log10e, with an approximate value of 0.4342944819032518.
LOG2E — Constant static property in class Math
A mathematical constant for the base-2 logarithm of the constant e, expressed as log2e, with an approximate value of 1.442695040888963387.
LOGIN — Constant static property in class flash.desktop.InvokeEventReason
Desktop only; indicates that the InvokeEvent event occurred due to the user logging in.
LONG — Constant static property in class
Indicates that column names returned from a SELECT statement use long-column-name format.
LONG — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.DateTimeStyle
Specifies the long style of a date or time.
LONG_ABBREVIATION — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.DateTimeNameStyle
Specifies the long abbreviation style for month names and weekday names.
longitude — Property in class
The longitude in degrees.
lookup — Event in class
Dispatched when a DNS look-up is complete.
lookup(host:String, recordType:Class) — Method in class
Looks up a DNS resource record based on a query string.
LOOKUP — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a lookup event object.
loop — Property in class flash.ui.ContextMenuBuiltInItems
Lets the user set a SWF file to start over automatically when it reaches the final frame (does not appear for a single-frame SWF file).
loopback — Property in class
Indicates whether a local view of what the camera is capturing is compressed and decompressed (true), as it would be for live transmission using Flash Media Server, or uncompressed (false).
LOW — Constant static property in class flash.display.StageQuality
Specifies low rendering quality.
LOW — Constant static property in class flash.filters.BitmapFilterQuality
Defines the low quality filter setting.
LOWERCASE — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.TypographicCase
Specifies that all characters use lowercase glyphs on output.
LOWEST_FIRST — Constant static property in class
Specifies that when fetching objects from a neighbor to satisfy a want, the objects with the lowest index numbers are requested first.
LZMA — Constant static property in class flash.utils.CompressionAlgorithm
Defines the string to use for the lzma compression algorithm.
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z