Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
a — Property in class flash.geom.Matrix
The value that affects the positioning of pixels along the x axis when scaling or rotating an image.
A — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the A key (65).
A4 — Constant static property in class flash.printing.PaperSize
A5 — Constant static property in class flash.printing.PaperSize
A6 — Constant static property in class flash.printing.PaperSize
AAAARecord — Class in package
The AAAARecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) AAAA resource record containing an IPv6 address.
AAAARecord() — Constructor in class
Creates an AAAA resource record.
abs(val:Number) — Static method in class Math
Computes and returns an absolute value for the number specified by the parameter val.
accDoDefaultAction(childID:uint) — Method in class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
An IAccessible method that performs the default action associated with the component that this AccessibilityImplementation represents or of one of its child elements.
ACCELERATED — Constant static property in class
Indicates hardware-accelerated (GPU) video decoding.
accelerationX — Property in class
Acceleration along the x-axis, measured in Gs.
accelerationY — Property in class
Acceleration along the y-axis, measured in Gs.
accelerationZ — Property in class
Acceleration along the z-axis, measured in Gs.
Accelerometer — Class in package flash.sensors
The Accelerometer class dispatches events based on activity detected by the device's motion sensor.
Accelerometer() — Constructor in class flash.sensors.Accelerometer
Creates a new Accelerometer instance.
AccelerometerEvent — Class in package
The Accelerometer class dispatches AccelerometerEvent objects when acceleration updates are obtained from the Accelerometer sensor installed on the device.
AccelerometerEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, timestamp:Number, accelerationX:Number, accelerationY:Number, accelerationZ:Number) — Constructor in class
Creates an AccelerometerEvent object that contains information about acceleration along three dimensional axis.
acceptDragDrop(target:flash.display:InteractiveObject) — Static method in class flash.desktop.NativeDragManager
Informs the NativeDragManager object that the specified target interactive object can accept a drop corresponding to the current drag event.
Accessibility — Final class in package flash.accessibility
The Accessibility class manages communication with screen readers.
accessibilityImplementation — Property in class flash.display.InteractiveObject
The current accessibility implementation (AccessibilityImplementation) for this InteractiveObject instance.
AccessibilityImplementation — Class in package flash.accessibility
The AccessibilityImplementation class is the base class in Flash Player that allows for the implementation of accessibility in components.
AccessibilityImplementation() — Constructor in class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
Static constructor.
accessibilityProperties — Property in class flash.display.DisplayObject
The current accessibility options for this display object.
AccessibilityProperties — Class in package flash.accessibility
The AccessibilityProperties class lets you control the presentation of Flash objects to accessibility aids, such as screen readers.
AccessibilityProperties() — Constructor in class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties
Creates a new AccessibilityProperties object.
accLocation(childID:uint) — Method in class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
MSAA method for returning a DisplayObject or Rectangle specifying the bounding box of a child element in the AccessibilityImplementation.
accSelect(operation:uint, childID:uint) — Method in class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
IAccessible method for altering the selection in the component that this AccessibilityImplementation represents.
acos(val:Number) — Static method in class Math
Computes and returns the arc cosine of the number specified in the parameter val, in radians.
ACTIONSCRIPT2 — Constant static property in class flash.display.ActionScriptVersion
ActionScript language version 2.0 and earlier.
ACTIONSCRIPT3 — Constant static property in class flash.display.ActionScriptVersion
ActionScript language version 3.0.
actionScriptData — Property in class flash.external.ExtensionContext
The ActionScript object, if any, associated with this context.
actionScriptVersion — Property in class flash.display.LoaderInfo
The ActionScript version of the loaded SWF file.
ActionScriptVersion — Final class in package flash.display
The ActionScriptVersion class is an enumeration of constant values that indicate the language version of a loaded SWF file.
activate — Event in class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
Dispatched when this application becomes the active desktop application.
activate(window:flash.display:NativeWindow) — Method in class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
Activates this application.
activate — Event in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Dispatched by this NativeWindow object after the window has been activated.
activate() — Method in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Activates this window.
activate — Event in class
[broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application gains operating system focus and becomes active.
ACTIVATE — Constant static property in class
The ACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of an activate event object.
activating — Property in class
Indicates whether the device is activating (true) or deactivating (false).
active — Static property in class flash.accessibility.Accessibility
Indicates whether a screen reader is active and the application is communicating with it.
active — Property in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Indicates whether this window is the active application window.
active — Property in class
Reports whether this interface is active.
active — Static property in class flash.printing.PrintJob
Indicates whether a print job is currently active.
activeWindow — Property in class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
The active application window.
activity — Event in class
Dispatched when a camera begins or ends a session.
activity — Event in class
Dispatched when a microphone starts or stops recording due to detected silence.
ACTIVITY — Constant static property in class
The ActivityEvent.ACTIVITY constant defines the value of the type property of an activity event object.
ActivityEvent — Class in package
A Camera or Microphone object dispatches an ActivityEvent object whenever a camera or microphone reports that it has become active or inactive.
ActivityEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, activating:Boolean) — Constructor in class
Creates an event object that contains information about activity events.
activityLevel — Property in class
The amount of motion the camera is detecting.
activityLevel — Property in class
The amount of sound the microphone is detecting.
actualLocaleIDName — Property in class flash.globalization.Collator
The name of the actual locale ID used by this Collator object.
actualLocaleIDName — Property in class flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter
The name of the actual locale ID used by this CurrencyFormatter object.
actualLocaleIDName — Property in class flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter
The name of the actual locale ID used by this DateTimeFormatter object.
actualLocaleIDName — Property in class flash.globalization.NumberFormatter
The name of the actual locale ID used by this NumberFormatter object.
actualLocaleIDName — Property in class flash.globalization.StringTools
The name of the actual locale ID used by this StringTools object.
add(v:flash.geom:Point) — Method in class flash.geom.Point
Adds the coordinates of another point to the coordinates of this point to create a new point.
add(a:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Method in class flash.geom.Vector3D
Adds the value of the x, y, and z elements of the current Vector3D object to the values of the x, y, and z elements of another Vector3D object.
ADD — Constant static property in class flash.display.BlendMode
Adds the values of the constituent colors of the display object to the colors of its background, applying a ceiling of 0xFF.
addBinaryChainBuildingCertificate(certificate:flash.utils:ByteArray, trusted:Boolean) — Method in class
Adds an X.509 certificate to the local certificate chain that your system uses for validating the server certificate.
addBitmapData(bitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData) — Method in class
Adds an image to the device camera roll.
addBootstrapPeer(peerID:String) — Method in class
Causes the associated NetStream or NetGroup to make an initial neighbor connection to the specified peerID.
addCallback(functionName:String, closure:Function) — Static method in class flash.external.ExternalInterface
Registers an ActionScript method as callable from the container.
addCertificate(cert:flash.utils:ByteArray, trusted:Boolean) — Method in class
Adds an x509 certificate for chain building.
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Method in class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance.
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Method in class flash.display.Stage
Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance.
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — Method in class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance.
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — Method in class flash.display.Stage
Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance.
added — Event in class flash.display.DisplayObject
Dispatched when a display object is added to the display list.
ADDED — Constant static property in class
The Event.ADDED constant defines the value of the type property of an added event object.
addedToStage — Event in class flash.display.DisplayObject
Dispatched when a display object is added to the on stage display list, either directly or through the addition of a sub tree in which the display object is contained.
ADDED_TO_STAGE — Constant static property in class
The Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE constant defines the value of the type property of an addedToStage event object.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Method in class
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Method in class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Method in class flash.display.Stage
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Method in class
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Method in interface
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Method in class
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Method in class flash.system.MessageChannel
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Method in class flash.system.Worker
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
addFilesAsync(folder:flash.filesystem:File, recurse:Boolean, compress:Boolean, includeFolderEntries:Boolean, followLinks:Boolean) — Method in class air.utils.ZipArchive
Modifies an existing ZipArchive object by adding all files within a folder.
addHaveObjects(startIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) — Method in class
Adds objects from startIndex through endIndex, to the set of objects this node advertises to neighbors as objects for which it fulfills requests.
addHeader(operation:String, mustUnderstand:Boolean, param:Object) — Method in class
Adds a context header to the Action Message Format (AMF) packet structure.
addIPMulticastAddress(address:String, port, source:String) — Method in class
Causes the associated NetStream or NetGroup to join the specified IP multicast group and listen to the specified UDP port.
addItem(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem) — Method in class flash.display.NativeMenu
Adds a menu item at the bottom of the menu.
addItemAt(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem, index:int) — Method in class flash.display.NativeMenu
Inserts a menu item at the specified position.
addItemAt(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem, index:int) — Method in class flash.ui.ContextMenu
Adds a menu item at the bottom of the menu.
addMemberHint(peerID:String) — Method in class
Manually adds a record specifying that peerID is a member of the group.
addNamespace(ns:Object) — Method in class XML
Adds a namespace to the set of in-scope namespaces for the XML object.
addNeighbor(peerID:String) — Method in class
Manually adds a neighbor by immediately connecting directly to the specified peerID, which must already be in this group.
addPage(sprite:flash.display:Sprite, printArea:flash.geom:Rectangle, options:flash.printing:PrintJobOptions, frameNum:int) — Method in class flash.printing.PrintJob
Sends the specified Sprite object as a single page to the print spooler.
address — Property in class
The Internet Protocol (IP) address.
address — Property in class
The IPv6 address.
address — Property in class
The IPv4 address.
ADDRESS — Constant static property in class flash.text.StageTextContentType

Content is an address

addresses — Property in class
The list of the addresses bound to this network interface.
addSubmenu(submenu:flash.display:NativeMenu, label:String) — Method in class flash.display.NativeMenu
Adds a submenu to the menu by inserting a new menu item.
addSubmenuAt(submenu:flash.display:NativeMenu, index:int, label:String) — Method in class flash.display.NativeMenu
Adds a submenu to the menu by inserting a new menu item at the specified position.
addToDeviceGroup(, forceRefresh:Boolean) — Method in class
adds the currently running device to a device group.
ADD_TO_DEVICE_GROUP_COMPLETE — Constant static property in class
ADD_TO_DEVICE_GROUP_ERROR — Constant static property in class
addToOutput(v:flash.geom:Point, output:flash.geom:Point) — Method in class flash.geom.Point
Adds the coordinates of another point to the coordinates of this point to create a new point.
addToOutput(a:flash.geom:Vector3D, output:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Method in class flash.geom.Vector3D
Adds the value of the x, y, and z elements of the current Vector3D object to the values of the x, y, and z elements of another Vector3D object.
addWantObjects(startIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) — Method in class
Adds objects from startIndex through endIndex, to the set of objects to retrieve.
ADVANCED — Constant static property in class flash.text.AntiAliasType
Sets anti-aliasing to advanced anti-aliasing.
afterBounds — Property in class
The bounds of the window after the change.
afterDisplayState — Property in class
The display state of the NativeWindow after the change.
afterOrientation — Property in class
The orientation of the stage after the change. — Package
The package contains classes for network detection. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. It is included in the ServiceMonitor.swc file (for SWF-based application developers) and ServiceMonitor.swf file (for HTML-based AIR application developers). — Package
air.system — Package
air.utils — Package
album — Property in class
The name of the album; corresponds to the ID3 2.0 tag TALB.
ALERT — Constant static property in class flash.notifications.NotificationStyle
A notification style to display an alert box upon receiving a notification.
align — Property in class flash.display.Stage
A value from the StageAlign class that specifies the alignment of the stage in Flash Player or the browser.
align — Property in class flash.text.TextFormat
Indicates the alignment of the paragraph.
alignment — Property in class flash.text.engine.TabStop
Specifies the tab alignment for this tab stop.
alignmentBaseline — Property in class flash.text.engine.ElementFormat
Specifies the type of baseline in the containing element to which to align the dominant baselines of elements having this format.
ALL — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DClearMask
Clear all buffers.
ALL — Constant static property in class
A single value that encompasses all phases of simple gestures like two-finger-tap or swipe.
ALL — Constant static property in class flash.text.AutoCapitalize
Capitalize every character.
ALL — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.BreakOpportunity
Treats all characters in the ContentElement object as line break opportunities, meaning that a line break will occur afer each character.
ALL_BUT_LAST — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.LineJustification
Justify all but the last line.
ALL_BUT_MANDATORY_BREAK — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.LineJustification
Justify all but the last line and lines ending in mandatory breaks.
ALL_INCLUDING_LAST — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.LineJustification
Justify all lines.
allowCodeImport — Property in class flash.system.LoaderContext
Specifies whether you can use a Loader object to import content with executable code, such as a SWF file, into the caller's security sandbox.
allowCopy — Property in class flash.desktop.NativeDragOptions
A drop target is allowed to copy the dragged data.
allowDomain(... rest) — Method in class
Specifies one or more domains that can send LocalConnection calls to this LocalConnection instance.
allowDomain(... rest) — Static method in class flash.system.Security
Lets SWF files in the identified domains access objects and variables in the SWF file that contains the allowDomain() call.
allowedActions — Property in class
The NativeDragOptions object specifying the actions that are allowed by the display object that initiated this drag operation.
allowedDomains — Property in class flash.text.TextField
Feature to allow applications to specify approved domains from which AIR will load images.
allowInsecureDomain(... rest) — Method in class
Specifies one or more domains that can send LocalConnection calls to this LocalConnection object.
allowInsecureDomain(... rest) — Static method in class flash.system.Security
Lets SWF files and HTML files in the identified domains access objects and variables in the calling SWF file, which is hosted by means of the HTTPS protocol.
allowLink — Property in class flash.desktop.NativeDragOptions
A drop target is allowed to create a link to the dragged data.
allowLoadBytesCodeExecution — Property in class flash.system.LoaderContext
Legacy property, replaced by allowCodeImport, but still supported for compatibility.
allowMove — Property in class flash.desktop.NativeDragOptions
A drop target is allowed to move the dragged data.
allowNull — Property in class
Indicates whether NULL values are allowed in this column.
ALLOW_SERVER — Constant static property in class
Loads the voucher from the local cache, if possible; downloads the voucher from a media rights server only if a locally cached copy does not exist.
allowsFullScreen — Property in class flash.display.Stage
Specifies whether this stage allows the use of the full screen mode
allowsFullScreenInteractive — Property in class flash.display.Stage
Specifies whether this stage allows the use of the full screen with text input mode
alpha — Property in class flash.display.DisplayObject
Indicates the alpha transparency value of the object specified.
alpha — Property in class flash.display.GraphicsSolidFill
Indicates the alpha transparency value of the fill.
alpha — Property in class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter
The alpha transparency value of the substitute color.
alpha — Property in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter
Specifies the alpha transparency value to use for out-of-bounds displacements.
alpha — Property in class flash.filters.DropShadowFilter
The alpha transparency value for the shadow color.
alpha — Property in class flash.filters.GlowFilter
The alpha transparency value for the color.
alpha — Property in class flash.text.engine.ElementFormat
Specifies the transparency of the line elements affected by this obect.
ALPHA — Constant static property in class flash.display.BitmapDataChannel
The alpha channel.
ALPHA — Constant static property in class flash.display.BlendMode
Applies the alpha value of each pixel of the display object to the background.
alphaMultiplier — Property in class flash.geom.ColorTransform
A decimal value that is multiplied with the alpha transparency channel value.
ALPHANUMERIC — Constant static property in class flash.ui.KeyboardType
A standard keyboard with a full set of numbers and letters.
ALPHANUMERIC_FULL — Constant static property in class flash.system.IMEConversionMode
The string "ALPHANUMERIC_FULL", for use with the IME.conversionMode property.
ALPHANUMERIC_HALF — Constant static property in class flash.system.IMEConversionMode
The string "ALPHANUMERIC_HALF", for use with the IME.conversionMode property.
alphaOffset — Property in class flash.geom.ColorTransform
A number from -255 to 255 that is added to the alpha transparency channel value after it has been multiplied by the alphaMultiplier value.
alphas — Property in class flash.display.GraphicsGradientFill
An array of alpha values for the corresponding colors in the colors array.
alphas — Property in class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter
An array of alpha transparency values for the corresponding colors in the colors array.
alphas — Property in class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter
An array of alpha transparency values for the corresponding colors in the colors array.
ALTERNATE — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the Alternate (Option) key (18).
altitude — Property in class
The altitude in meters.
altKey — Property in class
Indicates whether the Alt key is active (true) or inactive (false).
altKey — Property in class
Indicates whether the Alt key is active (true) or inactive (false) on Windows; indicates whether the Option key is active on Mac OS.
altKey — Property in class
Indicates whether the Alt key is active (true) or inactive (false).
altKey — Property in class
Indicates whether the Alt key is active (true) or inactive (false).
ALWAYS — Constant static property in class flash.display.PixelSnapping
A constant value used in the pixelSnapping property of a Bitmap object to specify that the bitmap image is always snapped to the nearest pixel, independent of any transformation.
ALWAYS — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DCompareMode
The comparison always evaluates as true.
ALWAYS — Constant static property in class flash.text.StageTextClearButtonMode
StageText clearButton is always shown
alwaysInFront — Property in class flash.display.NativeWindow
Specifies whether this window will always be in front of other windows (including those of other applications).
ALWAYS_REQUIRED — Constant static property in class
Always check certificate revocation.
alwaysShowSelection — Property in class flash.text.TextField
When set to true and the text field is not in focus, Flash Player highlights the selection in the text field in gray.
AMBIENT — Constant static property in class
A mode for playing ambient sound.
AMF0 — Constant static property in class
Specifies that objects are serialized using the Action Message Format for ActionScript 1.0 and 2.0.
AMF3 — Constant static property in class
Specifies that objects are serialized using the Action Message Format for ActionScript 3.0.
analyze — Event in class
Dispatched when an analyze() operation completes successfully.
analyze(resourceName:String, — Method in class
Gathers statistics about database indices and stores them in the database.
ANALYZE — Constant static property in class flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation
Indicates that the SQLConnection.analyze() method was called.
ANALYZE — Constant static property in class
The SQLEvent.ANALYZE constant defines the value of the type property of an analyze event object.
angle — Property in class flash.filters.BevelFilter
The angle of the bevel.
angle — Property in class flash.filters.DropShadowFilter
The angle of the shadow.
angle — Property in class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter
The angle, in degrees.
angle — Property in class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter
The angle, in degrees.
angleBetween(a:flash.geom:Vector3D, b:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Static method in class flash.geom.Vector3D
Returns the angle in radians between two vectors.
ANISOTROPIC16X — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFilter
Use anisotropic filter with radio 16 when upsampling textures
ANISOTROPIC2X — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFilter
Use anisotropic filter with radio 2 when upsampling textures
ANISOTROPIC4X — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFilter
Use anisotropic filter with radio 4 when upsampling textures
ANISOTROPIC8X — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFilter
Use anisotropic filter with radio 8 when upsampling textures
ANONYMOUS — Constant static property in class
Indicates that no authentication is required.
antiAliasType — Property in class flash.text.TextField
The type of anti-aliasing used for this text field.
AntiAliasType — Final class in package flash.text
The AntiAliasType class provides values for anti-aliasing in the flash.text.TextField class.
ANY — Constant static property in class flash.display.StageAspectRatio
Specifies a device orientation that supports both portrait and landscape UI.
ANY — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.BreakOpportunity
Treats any character in the ContentElement object as a line break opportunity.
append(lhs:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — Method in class flash.geom.Matrix3D
Appends the matrix by multiplying another Matrix3D object by the current Matrix3D object.
APPEND — Constant static property in class flash.filesystem.FileMode
Used for a file to be opened in write mode, with all written data appended to the end of the file.
APPEND — Constant static property in class
Adds the stream to a playlist and begins playback with the first stream.
APPEND_AND_WAIT — Constant static property in class
Builds a playlist without starting to play it from the first stream.
appendBytes(bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Method in class
Passes a ByteArray into a NetStream for playout.
appendBytesAction(netStreamAppendBytesAction:String) — Method in class
Indicates a timescale discontinuity, flushes the FIFO, and tells the byte parser to expect a file header or the beginning of an FLV tag.
appendChild(child:Object) — Method in class XML
Appends the given child to the end of the XML object's properties.
appendChild(node:flash.xml:XMLNode) — Method in class flash.xml.XMLNode
Appends the specified node to the XML object's child list.
appendRotation(degrees:Number, axis:flash.geom:Vector3D, pivotPoint:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Method in class flash.geom.Matrix3D
Appends an incremental rotation to a Matrix3D object.
appendScale(xScale:Number, yScale:Number, zScale:Number) — Method in class flash.geom.Matrix3D
Appends an incremental scale change along the x, y, and z axes to a Matrix3D object.
appendText(newText:String) — Method in class flash.text.TextField
Appends the string specified by the newText parameter to the end of the text of the text field.
appendTranslation(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) — Method in class flash.geom.Matrix3D
Appends an incremental translation, a repositioning along the x, y, and z axes, to a Matrix3D object.
APPLICATION — Constant static property in class flash.system.Security
The file is running in an AIR application, and it was installed with the package (the AIR file) for that application.
applicationDescriptor — Property in class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
The contents of the application descriptor file for this AIR application.
applicationDirectory — Static property in class flash.filesystem.File
The folder containing the application's installed files.
applicationDomain — Property in class flash.display.LoaderInfo
When an external SWF file is loaded, all ActionScript 3.0 definitions contained in the loaded class are stored in the applicationDomain property.
applicationDomain — Property in class flash.system.LoaderContext
Specifies the application domain to use for the Loader.load() or Loader.loadBytes() method.
ApplicationDomain — Final class in package flash.system
The ApplicationDomain class is a container for discrete groups of class definitions.
ApplicationDomain(parentDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain) — Constructor in class flash.system.ApplicationDomain
Creates a new application domain.
applicationID — Property in class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
The application ID of this application.
applicationRemovableStorageDirectory — Static property in class flash.filesystem.File
The application's private storage directory on an external and removable device, if present.
applicationStorageDirectory — Static property in class flash.filesystem.File
The application's private storage directory.
apply(thisArg, argArray) — Method in class Function
Specifies the value of thisObject to be used within any function that ActionScript calls.
applyFilter(sourceBitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, sourceRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, destPoint:flash.geom:Point, filter:flash.filters:BitmapFilter) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Takes a source image and a filter object and generates the filtered image.
applyNonLinearFontScaling — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextBlock
Specifies that you want to enhance screen appearance at the expense of what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) print fidelity.
ARABIC_INDIC — Constant static property in class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Arabic-Indic digit set.
ARecord — Class in package
The ARecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) A resource record containing an IPv4 address.
ARecord() — Constructor in class
Creates an A resource record.
areInaccessibleObjectsUnderPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — Method in class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Indicates whether the security restrictions would cause any display objects to be omitted from the list returned by calling the DisplayObjectContainer.getObjectsUnderPoint() method with the specified point point.
areSoundsInaccessible() — Static method in class
Determines whether any sounds are not accessible due to security restrictions.
ArgumentError — Dynamic class in Top Level
The ArgumentError class represents an error that occurs when the arguments supplied in a function do not match the arguments defined for that function.
ArgumentError(message:String) — Constructor in class ArgumentError
Creates an ArgumentError object.
arguments — Class in Top Level
An arguments object is used to store and access a function's arguments.
arguments — Property in class flash.desktop.NativeProcessStartupInfo
The command line arguments that will be passed to the process on startup.
arguments — Property in class
An array of arguments (strings) to pass to the application.
arguments — Property in class
The array of string arguments passed during this invocation.
Array — Dynamic class in Top Level
The Array class lets you access and manipulate arrays.
Array(... rest) — Package function in Top Level
Creates a new array.
Array(numElements:int) — Constructor in class Array
Lets you create an array of the specified number of elements.
Array(... rest) — Constructor in class Array
Lets you create an array that contains the specified elements.
ARROW — Constant static property in class flash.ui.MouseCursor
Used to specify that the arrow cursor should be used.
artist — Property in class
The name of the artist; corresponds to the ID3 2.0 tag TPE1.
as — Operator
Evaluates whether an expression specified by the first operand is a member of the data type specified by the second operand.
AS3 — Statement
Defines methods and properties of the core ActionScript classes that are fixed properties instead of prototype properties.
ascent — Property in class flash.text.TextExtent
ascent — Property in class flash.text.TextLineMetrics
The ascent value of the text is the length from the baseline to the top of the line height in pixels.
ascent — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Specifies the number of pixels from the baseline to the top of the tallest characters in the line.
ASCENT — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.TextBaseline
Specifies an ascent baseline.
asin(val:Number) — Static method in class Math
Computes and returns the arc sine for the number specified in the parameter val, in radians.
assignFocus(objectToFocus:flash.display:InteractiveObject, direction:String) — Method in class flash.display.Stage
Sets keyboard focus to the interactive object specified by objectToFocus, with the focus direction specified by the direction parameter.
assignFocus(direction:String) — Method in class
Assigns focus to the content within this StageWebView object.
assignFocus() — Method in class flash.text.StageText
Assigns focus to the StageText object.
asyncError — Event in class
Dispatched when an exception is thrown asynchronously — that is, from native asynchronous code.
asyncError — Event in class
Dispatched when an exception is thrown asynchronously — that is, from native asynchronous code.
asyncError — Event in class
Dispatched when an exception is thrown asynchronously — that is, from native asynchronous code.
asyncError — Event in class
Dispatched when an exception is thrown asynchronously — that is, from native asynchronous code.
ASYNC_ERROR — Constant static property in class
The AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of an asyncError event object.
AsyncErrorEvent — Class in package
An object dispatches an AsyncErrorEvent when an exception is thrown from native asynchronous code, which could be from, for example, LocalConnection, NetConnection, SharedObject, or NetStream.
AsyncErrorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, text:String, error:Error) — Constructor in class
Creates an AsyncErrorEvent object that contains information about asyncError events.
atan(val:Number) — Static method in class Math
Computes and returns the value, in radians, of the angle whose tangent is specified in the parameter val.
atan2(y:Number, x:Number) — Static method in class Math
Computes and returns the angle of the point y/x in radians, when measured counterclockwise from a circle's x axis (where 0,0 represents the center of the circle).
atomCount — Property in class flash.text.engine.TextLine
The number of atoms in the line, which is the number of indivisible elements, including spaces and graphic elements.
atomicCompareAndSwapIntAt(byteIndex:int, expectedValue:int, newValue:int) — Method in class flash.utils.ByteArray
Atomic compare and swap of integer values in adjacent bytes in this byte array.
atomicCompareAndSwapLength(expectedLength:int, newLength:int) — Method in class flash.utils.ByteArray
Atomic compare and change the length of this byte array.
attach — Event in class
Dispatched when an attach() method call's operation completes successfully.
attach(name:String, reference:Object,, encryptionKey:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Method in class
Adds another database to the SQLConnection instance, giving the new database the specified name.
attach( — Method in class
Attaches a stream to a new NetConnection object.
ATTACH — Constant static property in class flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation
Indicates that the SQLConnection.attach() method was called.
ATTACH — Constant static property in class
The SQLEvent.ATTACH constant defines the value of the type property of an attach event object.
attachAudio( — Method in class
Attaches an audio stream to a NetStream object from a Microphone object passed as the source.
attachCamera( — Method in class flash.display3D.textures.VideoTexture
Specifies a video stream from a camera to be rendered within the texture of the VideoTexture object.
attachCamera( — Method in class
Specifies a video stream from a camera to be displayed within the boundaries of the StageVideo object in the application, leveraging the GPU for rendering.
attachCamera( — Method in class
Specifies a video stream from a camera to be displayed within the boundaries of the Video object in the application.
attachCamera(, snapshotMilliseconds:int) — Method in class
Starts capturing video from a camera, or stops capturing if theCamera is set to null.
attachNetStream( — Method in class flash.display3D.textures.VideoTexture
Specifies a video stream to be rendered within the texture of the VideoTexture object.
attachNetStream( — Method in class
Specifies a video stream to be displayed within the boundaries of the StageVideo object in the application.
attachNetStream( — Method in class
Specifies a video stream to be displayed within the boundaries of the Video object in the application.
AT_TARGET — Constant static property in class
The target phase, which is the second phase of the event flow.
attribute(attributeName) — Method in class XML
Returns the XML value of the attribute that has the name matching the attributeName parameter.
attribute(attributeName) — Method in class XMLList
Calls the attribute() method of each XML object and returns an XMLList object of the results.
attributes() — Method in class XML
Returns a list of attribute values for the given XML object.
attributes() — Method in class XMLList
Calls the attributes() method of each XML object and returns an XMLList object of attributes for each XML object.
attributes — Property in class flash.xml.XMLNode
An object containing all of the attributes of the specified XMLNode instance.
AUDIO — Constant static property in class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the button for selecting the audio mode.
audioBufferByteLength — Property in class
Provides the NetStream audio buffer size in bytes.
audioBufferLength — Property in class
Provides NetStream audio buffer size in seconds.
audioByteCount — Property in class
Specifies the total number of audio bytes that have arrived in the queue, regardless of how many have been played or flushed.
audioBytesPerSecond — Property in class
Specifies the rate at which the NetStream audio buffer is filled in bytes per second.
AudioDecoder — Final class in package
The AudioDecoder class enumerates the types of multichannel audio that a system can support.
audioDeviceManager — Static property in class
The singleton instance of the AudioDeviceManager object.
AudioDeviceManager — Final class in package
Use the AudioDeviceManager class to get audio device information of the system, and select a device for audio playback.
audioLossRate — Property in class
Specifies the audio loss for the NetStream session.
audioOutputChange — Event in class
Dispatched when audio output device is changed for the following reasons: (1) User selection - User selects through Flash Player Settings UI Content setting AudioDeviceManager.selectedDeviceIndex (2) Device change - Audio device is added/removed from the system.
AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANGE — Constant static property in class
Defines the value of the type property of a AudioOutputchangeEvent event object.
AudioOutputChangeEvent — Class in package

This event fires when user selects a different audio output device from Flash Player's settings UI, or an audio device gets added to / removed from the system.

AudioOutputChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, reason:String) — Constructor in class


AudioOutputChangeReason — Final class in package
This class defines an enumeration that indicates the reason for AudioOutputChangeEvent.
audioPlaybackMode — Static property in class
Specifies the audio playback mode of all Sound objects.
AudioPlaybackMode — Final class in package
The AudioPlaybackMode class defines constants for the audioPlaybackMode property of the SoundMixer class.
audioReliable — Property in class
For RTMFP connections, specifies whether audio is sent with full reliability.
audioSampleAccess — Property in class
For RTMFP connections, specifies whether peer-to-peer subscribers on this NetStream are allowed to capture the audio stream.
authenticate — Property in class flash.html.HTMLLoader
authenticate — Property in class
Specifies whether authentication requests should be handled (true or not (false) for this request.
authenticate — Static property in class
The default setting for the authenticate property of URLRequest objects.
authenticate(serverURL:String, domain:String, username:String, password:String) — Method in class
Authenticates a user.
authenticationComplete — Event in class
The DRMManager dispatches a DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent object when the user is authenticated by the media rights server after a call to the authenticate() method.
AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE — Constant static property in class
The string constant to use for the authentication complete event in the type parameter when adding and removing event listeners.
authenticationError — Event in class
The DRMManager dispatches a DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent object when the user is not authenticated by the media rights server after a call to the authenticate() method.
AUTHENTICATION_ERROR — Constant static property in class
The string constant to use for the authentication error event in the type parameter when adding and removing event listeners.
authenticationMethod — Property in class
The type of authentication required to obtain a voucher for the associated content.
authenticationMethod — Property in class
The type of authentication required to register to this device group.
authenticationMethod — Property in class
The type of authentication required to obtain a voucher for the associated content.
AuthenticationMethod — Final class in package
The AuthenticationMethod class provides string constants enumerating the different types of authentication used by the authenticationMethod property of the DRMContentData class.
authenticationType — Property in class
Indicates whether the supplied credentials are for authenticating against Flash Media Rights Management Server (FMRMS) or a proxy server.
AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_DRM — Constant static property in class
The DRMAuthenticateEvent.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_DRM constant defines the value of the authenticationType property of a DRMAuthenticateEvent object.
AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_PROXY — Constant static property in class
The DRMAuthenticateEvent.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_PROXY constant defines the value of the authenticationType property of a DRMAuthenticateEvent object.
authorizations() — Method in class
Returns a string that represents passwords for IP multicast publishing and for posting.
AUTO — Constant static property in class flash.display.NativeWindowRenderMode
A typical window.
AUTO — Constant static property in class flash.display.PixelSnapping
A constant value used in the pixelSnapping property of a Bitmap object to specify that the bitmap image is snapped to the nearest pixel if it is drawn with no rotation or skew and it is drawn at a scale factor of 99.9% to 100.1%.
AUTO — Constant static property in class flash.display3D.Context3DRenderMode
Automatically choose rendering engine.
AUTO — Constant static property in class flash.printing.PrintMethod
Automatic selection of the best method of printing.
AUTO — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.BreakOpportunity
Bases line break opportunities on Unicode character properties.
AUTO — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.Kerning
Used to indicate that kerning is enabled except where inappropriate in Asian typography.
AUTO — Constant static property in class flash.text.engine.TextRotation
Specifies a 90 degree counter clockwise rotation for full width and wide glyphs only, as determined by the Unicode properties of the glyph.
AUTO — Constant static property in class flash.ui.MouseCursor
Used to specify that the cursor should be selected automatically based on the object under the mouse.
autoCapitalize — Property in class flash.text.StageText
Controls how a device applies auto capitalization to user input.
AutoCapitalize — Final class in package flash.text
The AutoCapitalize class defines constants for the autoCapitalize property of the StageText class.
autoCompact — Property in class
Indicates whether autocompacting was enabled when the current database was originally created (the value that was specified for the autoCompact parameter in the open() or openAsync() call that created the database).
autoCorrect — Property in class flash.text.StageText
Indicates whether a device auto-corrects user input for spelling or punctuation mistakes.
autoExit — Property in class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
Specifies whether the application should automatically terminate when all windows have been closed.
autoIncrement — Property in class
Indicates whether this is an auto-increment column.
autoOrients — Property in class flash.display.Stage
Specifies whether the stage automatically changes orientation when the device orientation changes.
autoSize — Property in class flash.text.TextField
Controls automatic sizing and alignment of text fields.
availability — Property in class

Reports the current availability of stage video using a constant of the class.

available — Property in class
Indicate that vsync state of Stage is changeable.
available — Static property in class flash.external.ExternalInterface
Indicates whether this player is in a container that offers an external interface.
available — Static property in class flash.external.HostObject
Indicates whether this player is in a container that offers a high-bandwidth interface.
AVAILABLE — Constant static property in class
Stage video is currently available.
availableTimeZoneNames — Static property in class TimeZone
Retrieves a list of the available time zone names that can be used on this operating system.
avHardwareDisable — Static property in class flash.system.Capabilities
Specifies whether access to the user's camera and microphone has been administratively prohibited (true) or allowed (false).
AVM1Movie — Class in package flash.display
AVM1Movie is a simple class that represents AVM1 movie clips, which use ActionScript 1.0 or 2.0.
AXIS_ANGLE — Constant static property in class flash.geom.Orientation3D
The axis angle orientation uses a combination of an axis and an angle to determine the orientation.
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z